Penning God’s Wisdom: My Path to Becoming an Author


My name is Pastor Bonface Makanda, and I am deeply honored and humbled to be nominated for this award.

My journey as an author has been a profound experience, shaped by pivotal moments and divine inspiration.

My first book, Does Marriage Work, was conceived during an extraordinary event. I was invited to preach at a convention in the USA, where I spoke about family and marriage. After my sermon, I was approached by the esteemed Christian author, Rick Warren. His words left a lasting impact on me: “Until you document the information you have, it is not yours.” This statement challenged me and ignited a determination within me to write. The result was a book that has touched many lives and strengthened countless marriages.

The inspiration for my second book, The Church and You, emerged from a challenging period of instability in the Kenyan church following the Shakahola (religious cult) incident. This incident raised numerous questions about sound doctrine and the church constitution. I felt a deep responsibility to address these concerns and provide clarity to the body of Christ. This led me to write a comprehensive guide that answers these critical questions, offering wisdom and guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding of sound church doctrine.

Through these books, my aim has always been to share the insights and experiences that God has graciously given me, to edify the body of Christ and to provide practical guidance on important issues. It is my sincere hope that these works continue to inspire and transform lives, strengthening both families and churches.

I am grateful for this recognition by the Africa Christian Authors Book Awards and pray that the Lord continues to use my writings for His glory and the edification of His people.

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