My passion for building a generation of voracious leaders and learners, stems from the apparent deficit of sufficient documentation and transference of knowledge from previous generations in Africa to subsequent generations. With a healthy reading culture, Africa would have a generation of people who are hungry for information making it possible to normalize passing down an inheritance of original, contextual knowledge and wisdom which is priceless. This will eliminate the apparent vacuum that causes successive generations to resort to western solutions and values which sometimes are not fit for the context. When Africa reads, Africa breathes.
One of the things that I felt God was setting up with aACABA was a gateway for African authors to the rest of the globe – aside from elevating the pedigree of writing. Reason being, He has poured out new wine. With the newly formed partnerships abroad, it is such a burning bush moment…🙌
On behalf of the ACABA core team, I would like to thank you all so much for your demonstrated committment to writing in excellence and for your yielding to the Spirit of God to this cause. Thank you to all nominees, supporters, core team, the judges, CLC and all partners for your tremendous support.
We thank God that we were able to have our inaugural ACABa Gala Awards last year which had a lot of great highlights as well as great lessons. We have received great reports from many of you who have been impacted and inspired by the awards program. We are looking forward to continue and even up the ante on subsequent installments of the program.
With that said and on a personal note, I am greatly honoured to have steered the ship for the first edition of it and now we get to have Pst Samuel Mwinamo pick it up and lead us for this year. I know we will be in good shape and I trust that we shall continue gaining momentum even as we keep our eyes on the ball.
My last word to all the authors is this. We know through Paul that, “the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe…” (Romans 1:16). It may appear foolish to human wisdom but we are evidence of its efficacy. We also know that the gospel is a specific message, and that Yeshua is at its centre.
May we write/build skillfully with the understanding that a future generation will be greatly shaped by our writings. And as such, allow the power of God to transform nations.
May we keep the main things main and not prioritize everything because when everything is prioritized then nothing is.
“For Christ must reign until He has put all His enemies under his feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:25).