One time a I overheard someone close saying. “I am Unbwogable”. East Africans know that song quite well. Its lyrics go… Who can bwogo me? …Iam Unbwogable. Literally translated to, no one can scare me.
Fear is a killer. It is one of the top tools the devil uses to keep people in bondage. It suffocates every effort and frustrates every ounce of happiness and joy in someone’s life. Timidity is vile. It is a precipitate of fear. The word clearly tells us. 2 Timothy 1:7- “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
The scripture is clearly pointing out that fear subdues one’s power and holds them captive and powerless. Yes, the power to progress, the power to believe in God’s promises. Love bolts out where there is fear and worst of all one is never in the proper state of mind. Oh no. Fear is bad. Fear is a precipitate of failure.
Fear Is Designed To Make You Run
Can you imagine that it takes 3 gifts to overcome it? Power, Love and sound mind. Where there is fear, there struggle and strife. It defeats possibilities of growth and progress in the things of God. Fear is given; scripture affirms this. For God has not given us the spirit of fear. First things first, it is imperative that you understand with clarity that fear is a spirit. A vile one. It is a weapon that the Devil gives. God gives us Power, Love and Sound mind. By definition where there is power, love and sound mind, the bundle of peace is guaranteed.
Children are scared of the dark. It is interesting to know that it renders them helpless that they begin to imagine things that are not really there. They see monsters. Yes, fear ushers in darkness. I grew up near the lake. I feared swimming because I was told that it is difficult. But I overcame it by trying it until I learnt how to. If you ask anyone learning how to swim, their biggest obstacle is fear. It literally makes them scramble for safety, timid and stiff. This then makes them heavy and they immediately begin to sink.
Elisha And The Shunamite Woman
The story of Elisha and the Shunammite woman tells it. 2 kings 4:8-37 the Shunammite woman was kind to Elisha that whenever he went past Shunem she offered him a place to sleep as a special guest in her home. The underlying fear she had is that she had no child for her husband was also an old man. Elisha prophesied the birth of a son which came to pass a year after. The child grew up. One day the child was in a field and started complaining of a headache; moments later he was pronounced dead. The Shunamite woman was devastated but remembered Elisha and went to meet him to relay the message. The most refreshing statement when she was asked by her husband whether there was a problem, she said “It is well”.
2 kings 4:27 “Now when she came to the man of God at the hill, she caught him by the feet, but Gehazi came near to push her away. But the man of God said, “Let her alone; for her soul is in deep distress, and the Lord has hidden it from me, and has not told me.”
She cried out and Elisha went to her house and prayed intently and stretched himself out on the dead son. The son rose again.
Why should a Christian have full assurance of security and safety? Because the price was paid in full by Jesus Christ at the cross when he said it is finished. The mission was accomplished. That means we are Unbwogable.
Till next time.
Wow blessings🙏 Pr.