Amos N. Maina
Amos has served largely in teaching and leadership in learning institutions, pastoral ministry, and evangelism and discipleship initiatives. He has a bachelor’s degree in education from Kenyatta University and a master’s in Biblical studies from Africa International University.
Books by Amos N. Maina
“Impacting lives with Christian literature”
Winning Where It Matters Most
In this book, Amos clearly addresses real issues that concern young people and new believers. He touches on aspects that open us up to reflect on and critique what is presented to us as arguments on the foundations of the Christian faith be it in informal discussions, books or even movies. The integration of personal experiences of the author and those of others trying to grapple with matters of faith bring the book to life. What makes this book real and relevant is that it was born out of real experiences of a young Christian with questions seeking for answers. The content is therefore on point to address these realities among young people and new believers. It also brings clarity and assurance of faith for all believers through reflections of foundational issues for Christians from a theologically sound perspective. The approach to address profound issues for practical Christian living with simplicity and clarity is a major commendation for this piece of work. This is a special gift for all seeking a vibrant Christian life that integrates faith, vocation, and relationships for the glory of God.
Young People Can Now Find Answers To Life’s Questions, A Challenge That Amos Maina Struggled With In His Early Days
I loved books from a young age. I had a desire to write, but being stronger in sciences than languages, it was difficult to do it earlier. However, when I got to University, my experience strengthened this desire but I still didn’t feel ready to write meaningfully. Fast forward at…
Read MoreImpacting Lives With Christian Literature
CLC Kenya Ministries
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