
Khanyo Ndlela

Nokukhanya Faith Ndlela is a born again child of God. She wa born on a small township in the North of KwaZulu-Natal, Sikhawini. She now resides in Durban, South Africa. She studied B.Com Accounting for one year at the University of Natal before accepting the call of God to be in full-time ministry.

She is a founder of Simangaliso God of Miracles Outreach for soul winning and reviving the remnant for the Kingdom of God and Baal-Perazim Women’s Gathering Ministry which is a healing and empowerment ministry. She is a former member of God’s Army Evangelistic Ministry, where she served as a worshiper for five years and is still serving as a preacher under the leadership of the late Apostle N.J Sthole and Dr M.T Sthole.

Currently a member of Christian Fellowship church under Dr M.T Sthole(mom Jobe) in KZN.She has been in traveling ministry for fifteen years .


Books byKhanyo Ndlela

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


A diary of a called woman’s a memoir of Prophetess Khanyo Ndlela, it is her journey to receive healing and heeding the call of God on her life. In this book Prophetess Ndlela narrates her upbringing and the challenges she faced growing up,which led to her change of character and behavior. She shares how it was to grow up in a home where there was gender-based violence,a home that seemed Christianly with Christian background and principles yet a home of tears and no hope for the future. She opens the doors of her heart and let us in on deep secrets from her past that she could not share with anyone.she also narrates how she was repeatedly raped with no mercy by a tongue speaking,fire spitting man of God in her home with no one to talk to. She further shares how spirits of bondages can binda person from one generation to the next if they are not dealt with properly and broken from our families.

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Nomfundo Sawoni
Nomfundo Sawoni
1 year ago

She has the heart of Jesus Christ. Dairy of a called woman form KZN to the world.

Nonjabulo Nikwe
Nonjabulo Nikwe
1 year ago

Talking of a must read book, that is a Diary of A Called Woman. It brings so much healing and put you in a good perspective about the plan God has about one’s life in the midst of traumatic experiences, any form of abuse, neglect, rejection etc.

Personal experiences shared here brings hope not only to woman called by God, but everyone who reads the book. You just know that you will rise above all odds, and God has your back even when it does not feels like that at times. But u just know for sure that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.

Thank you for your courage to share your persobal experiences before and during your walk with God. Indeed God has predestined you for this generation and generations to come after you. Thank you for being a point of reference for many women out there.

Looking foward to the next book.

Charisma mali
Charisma mali
1 year ago

Prophet Khanyos book is a transforming weapon to better and heal the remnants of God ,I love it is amazing

Ntombifuthi Ntsada
Ntombifuthi Ntsada
1 year ago

What an interesting book to read,well articulated,I’m not a fan of books buy this one was outstanding..Keep it up woman of God

Cenga Olwethu
Cenga Olwethu
1 year ago

Oh what a life transforming book🙌🔥a walk of a woman Full of God and victorious . A short and easy to read , very straightforward and well articulated. Africa is blessed !

Ziyanda Jojozi
Ziyanda Jojozi
1 year ago

This book is a must read, not only by a women who has experience past trauma, i might not relate to the experience and pain makes us strong, it brings light and helpful tools (bible scriptures)and it has shown me how faithful God is in all situations and also shows how important it is to run to God because his purpose always prevails. I’m going to read this again because the first time i think my emotions got in the way. We Thank you Sis Khanyo for allowing God to use you and bring healing and i so wish this book can reach to so many people.

Nosiphiwo Misani
Nosiphiwo Misani
1 year ago

What an outstanding yet very challenging read, the fact that it’s relatable shows that it tells the true story of what many young girls and women have to endure in our communities as South Africans. Despite the fact that it demanded alot of mental strength from me to finish it, but the triumphant spirit and strength of the author is what kept mer going. The book made me realised how much I needed to heal from some childhood traumas and also embrace my story because it might be someone else’s survival tool. We might hide from others but we should always run to God with our wounds. Thank you Sis Khanyo for allowing God use you.

ST Dlamini
ST Dlamini
1 year ago

I am not a person who loves reading honestly, but I found myself keep reading this book I don’t know why, all I can say, this book carries so much weight and it’s still gonna transform many lives, we thank God for this vessel to allow God using her this way, we’re indeed charged and transform by the writing of this woman, other people’s journeys are indeed our motivation to keep going

1 year ago

The diary of a called woman is a blessing in my life.
This book is a life changing .it shows the purpose of God .it’s really amazing for a born again teenager that is still finding they way to grow in spiritual world. It shows more clarifications about the purpose of God .
Prophetess Khanyo is a woman of God that is sent to help this generation .
She is sent to bring people back to Jesus.
The book is helpful for teenagers that are born again to know what to do when they face physical and spiritual obstacles. It’s shows that we shouldn’t back down we should let God intervene.
The book shows that sometimes God’s plan might be painful but at the end we find joy and happiness in God’s presence.
The book shows that we have to allow God’s plan and will be done in our lives.
Thank you Prophetess Khanyo Ndlela.

[…] Nokukhanya Faith Ndlela […]
Boniswa Quvane
Boniswa Quvane
1 year ago

What a life changing book,filled with Gods presence,I read all this book in tears even though some other parts of i cannot relate to them but i have felt Gods touch while i was reading,in tears all through reading it God i had an encounter with creator,analyzing some things and showing me how faithful He is in all situations.Generations to come will be a healed generation because this book because it is so relevant to this particular time taking into consideration the times that we are living where things happen and the justice system is failing us as women but God has our back.Thank you to Sis Khanyo for Listening to God to heal our generation.

Siyaxolisa Kampini
Siyaxolisa Kampini
1 year ago

This book is a must-read not only for women who have experienced trauma bt yonke imuntu. I didn’t realize Mom Khanyo had been through so much as a child. It just shows you that ” She Doesn’t Smell Like The Fire She’s Been Through”.

This book is a great read with a lot of helpful tools, and scriptures to help you guide you through your healing. I’m going to read this again because I think my emotions got in the way the first time.

Ayanda Halimana
Ayanda Halimana
1 year ago

A Diary of a Called Woman is a must read! This book is not just for women, and not just women who know they have a calling on their life. This is a book for everyone – as it deals with past hurts, most of which a lot of people will surely identify with. There are themes of grief, neglect, rejection and many more.

For most Christians, talking about the past (especially traumatic moments and events) comes with ‘shame’ and fear of being judged. We assume that talking about these things is a demonstration of our lack of faith. Of course that is a lie from the pit of hell! Thank you Nokukhanya for shining the light on emotional hurt and struggles most people have learned to live with instead of seeking healing and finding victory.

I salute you Sis for laying your truth so bare in such an intimate and honest manner. Writing is not easy, writing one’s story is even harder. Thank you for your truth. Thank you for your heart. Thank you for making it out – because now, we know that there is a way out; Christ. Your life is testament of God’s love and Christ’s ability to save completely. Now we know that God is capable of loving us with our scars, of loving us enough to not only heal those scars but to turn them into weapons to destroy the lies we’ve lived with (as we heal from the traumas) and also weapons to free others from their emotional and psychological bondages and traps.

May this important book reach as many people as possible. May doors open for impactful conversations that will enable others to also talk through their traumas for the purposes of healing and freeing others.

God’s Blessings!

Zikhona Mnyaka
Zikhona Mnyaka
1 year ago

I read the book twice and I still can’t get over it… I thank God for sis Khanyo because the book made so much impact in my life.. The are areas in mylife that I haven’t paid much attention too but reading the book opened my eyes and my heart. I recommend anyone not just females to read the book the is soo much to learn. Did I mention the level of transparency in the book is amazing… To God be the Glory. We are waiting for volume 2❤️❤️♥️

Nonhlanhla Mathi Dlamini
Nonhlanhla Mathi Dlamini
1 year ago

This book it’s a great book. Sister Khanyo thanks to listen and you heal my soul

Yvonne Nompilo Magudulela

This book has changed my life and it has saved me from myself. May God count to use you in our life ❤️

1 year ago

Mtase….more grace. This is a life changing piece of art/work. Generations to come will read this book, and their lives will change for the better. May God increase you, sis wam, you did well.

Mondly Sondia
Mondly Sondia
1 year ago

A diary of the Called Women isn’t just an ordinary book, but it’s where you see that God always have a plan, and purpose with a Mankind even if people leave you but He is the God who never leaves you.

The book does change our lives and also addify our spiritual life. In short this book is a Revival on it own..

Thandokuhle Shezi
Thandokuhle Shezi
1 year ago

Practically I could not put the book down. The book introduces one to the feelings of the writer. Amazing how the writer has captured both her hurt and absolute healing. No feeling is left unresolved not floating. Soldier on Prophet we anticipate much from the comming volumes

Andiswa Jili
Andiswa Jili
1 year ago

Prophetess Khanyo Ndlela a woman that serves the Purpose of God with zeal and passion impacting many lives in a positive way for the Kingdom of God we look up to her 🥰🥰🥰🥰

1 year ago

Thank you for honoring God in writing this book. It is such a great read and it invokes so much faith to know that God heals and restores to the uttermost. He redeems to the uttermost, Sis Khanyo is a true epitome of that statement and reading the book and having witnessed the kind of vessel that she is I can attest to that. The book has inspired me to know that there is nothing I can allow to stand in my way in seeking God!!! Futhi icebo lika Thixo lingevinjwe mntu…. Bless you

1 year ago

It’s such a great read. It’s hard to book down, however it evoks to much emotions.


Sindiswa Norah Ntlahla
Sindiswa Norah Ntlahla
1 year ago

Prophetess Khanyo, uThixo oqonda nowazi konke esingakwazi ufihle wena khon’ukuze uvuke ngeli ixesha, khon’ukuze nam ndiphile. I read the book more than 3 times, I cried not because of what you gone through but because of the love of God. What I learnt in this book is that Social issues/challenges or Social Challenges do not start at a stage we see them, I’m raising my grandkids the book has taught me hidden things that we ignore instead we become arrogant towards our kids kanti kunezinto that are daily killing them. Today in our country we faced with young people whom are drug edicts, GBV, dead family structures which are the basic unit of the society. Kanti into iqale kudala but it was never attended to.

Enkosi Sisi ngempilo yakho, ube lidini (sacrificial) lamb khon’ukuze kuphile the generations to come. Thixo asifihlele wena ukuze lento owuyiphathisiwe simane uku mfimfitha kuyo. Thankyou woman of God, I’m healed indeed, I learnt a lot, I will continue supporting this powerful ministry. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

1 year ago

To be honest I had mixed feelings while reading this book,part of me was running away from facing my own childhood traumas.I read this book from the first chapter to the last chapter it was like opening old wounds.

I had moments of crying and being in awe of how the making of Prophetess Nokukhanya Faith Ndlela hasn’t been the easy one.I could relate because of pain even though it wasn’t the same as hers but reading the book I found healing and had to stop using coping mechanism for my own traumas.

He story is so authentic and and left me dumfounded of how she suffered from all of these things and managed to write about each and every incident.She left no stone unturned and that is why one finds healing from each and every page.I found myself crying and thanking God that I have her book.I call it balm🥺

Sometimes we think we are the only ones who are going through the excruciating faces in our lives and reading this book made me realise that we are all going through some faces however,what brought a smile in my face is looking at the author where she is and that she is still standing.Immediately I got tugged knowing that nothing lasts forever.😊

I recommend this book to anyone 😊just make sure you have a box of tissues next to you in the end of the book you will come out a different person than you were when you started reading it🥺💯

UJ Nxumalo
UJ Nxumalo
1 year ago

We bless the Lord for the vessel Prophet Khanyo writing “the Dairy of a called woman” it came at the right time and I want to say even though there was painful experiences that make us cry, it also encouraged me to continue in the walk with Jesus..bigup cc wam🙌.

1 year ago

Such a healing book. I could relate though my story is not the same. Several times I thought God has left maybe I didn’t hear Him well when He spoke. I this book I discover that it sometimes the journey we go through, and in the edge of giving up God is starting. He prunes us for His glory. Sometimes you wish He can understand and be on our side, but yeah He still on our side but according to His will not ours. Thank you sis Khanyo for allowing God to use you and be strong enough to share your story. It has helped me so much

1 year ago

Such a healing book. I could relate though my story is not the same. Several times I thought God has left maybe I didn’t hear Him well when He spoke. I this book I discover that it sometimes the journey we go through, and in the edge of giving up God is starting. He prunes us for His glory. Sometimes you wish He can understand and be on our side, but yeah He still on our side but according to His will not ours. Thank you sis Khanyo for allowing God to use you and be strong enough to share your story.

Mrs SN Khuzwayo
Mrs SN Khuzwayo
1 year ago

A dairy of a called woman is indeed not just a book but an eye opener to God’s purposes in our lives this book came into my hands at a time when i needed same hard truths that needed to be ministed to me. The book is conversational and it heals unspoken traumas that we don’t speak about it makes us realize that we really don’t know much as a human race however opening up to God and to one’s self is a form of self care thus bringing about that same energy because you’ve dealt with it first and yes its not sugar and rainbows but in the book we learn through the pages that even if we have scars unhealed wounds we are not defined by them but actually built by them i no longer have regrets and unanswered questions because of this book because i went to seek God 1st then seeked within them realized there was nothing ever wrong with me but im perfect just the way i am

Lulama Ndwandwe
Lulama Ndwandwe
1 year ago

Such a great read, came at the right time. I would really recommend to everyone.

I am really thankful for prophetess to have opened herself to share her life’s journey with the world.

This has really opened my heart to the power of forgiving

1 year ago

I read this book and till today I can not find the right words however,we can look at people who are called by God and wish to be like them.This book showed the making of Prophetess Nokukhanya Faith Ndlela and it was not nice.Each and every page of the book reveals how the making process of her was a bitter one.In a way what she’s gone through relatable to a lot of us.

For her to be able to leave no stone unturned it shows her bravery and also it is God’s doing.One cries while reading the book and also find strength and seeing the author of the book where she is at the moment and one realised that,there is healing and no situation is meant to kill but it’s the making and preparation of one’s calling.

With that being I can say one can please get herself a copy of this book and you will definitely relate and be ready with tissue at the same time.It’s like you are opening wounds that you didn’t want to remember and you are bleeding all over again but you realise that you are being healed by reading each and every chapter.

I cried,paused,went back to reading the book again and realised that I’m not the same person after I finished reading the book.

Ntombizonke Dyosi
Ntombizonke Dyosi
1 year ago

Wow what an experience, it was great walking this journey with you Mommy, I personally have learnt a lot from reading your book.

Nokulunga Ndlela
Nokulunga Ndlela
1 year ago

This book blessed me soo much, I am happy to be one of the people who read the book, this Is a life changing a book, my life will never be the same again

Mrs Thabile Zikalala
Mrs Thabile Zikalala
1 year ago

Nokukhanya Faith Ndlela :first addition is instrumental, it’s motivating,it’s reviving,
It is a catalyst for a life saving project,especially for pain relieving .For those people who are going through pain.For a life of a woman which is full of mysterious moments which are composed of pain and laughter. It is a must get self motivation injection, medication prescription that will relieve the stress most people encounter in road of life.

1 year ago

I thank God for this book healing journey because it exposed my parts and areas of my childhood traumas that I taught I was healed😭😭😭💔 and help me to visit my past and receive my healing because indeed my destiny needs myself to be healed so that I will help others and also it helps me to understand why I’m acting this way eish theres lot to say I highly recommend this book to every woman and every home we are broken generation that needs healing in every way

Pastor sipho Khuzwayo
Pastor sipho Khuzwayo
1 year ago

Prophetess Ndlela imina bhuti wakho umkhuleko wami ukuthi UNkulunkulu akuthwale njalo kukho konke odlula kukho ukhule usuku no suku emsebenzini ka Thixo siyakuthanda uyibonelo ezimpilweni zethu sifunda lukhulu ngawe impilo akho iyasi thobisa 👏😭😭😭😭

Girlsy Makebesana
Girlsy Makebesana
1 year ago

Reading this book changed mylife ,it came at a right time in mylife, through it all I’ve learned that through Christ Jesus we can conqour all,thank u Prophetess for sharing your life journey

Lulama Ndwandwe
Lulama Ndwandwe
1 year ago

Such a great read, came at the right time. I would really recommend to everyone.

I am really thankful for prophetess to have opened herself to share her life’s journey with the world.

This has really opened my heart to the power of forgiving

1 year ago

Good God, where does one even begin?? What a book! What a life changing healing journey, what an encounter from page one to the last. I stan your God Prophetess Khanyo! I started reading your book a day after I had received my copy with excitement of having this baby in my hands…So as I read the introduction I started feeling a sharp pain piercing across my heart more like ‘uvalo’ and that’s when I realized this is not just words on pages… I went on reading “She brings light”, when I got to “Roses with thorns” I was emotional and that’s when I realized that It’s a such a once in a lifetime thing to encounter someone who literally feels like Christ risen from the scriptures of the Bible and having become manifest😭.. because what did I just read in these 2 chapters?? Little did I know…

I decided to stop reading on Pg 17 and I told myself I will need God and his army of angels to be with me as I continue to read this heartfelt book. On Monday I took it again and immediately God said “Pray” and I did… by the time I finished praying the Holy Spirit gave a very direct instruction to read it during my fast on Wednesday…I finished reading the wholebook within a day and now I know why God had to twist my arm (lol) in order to read such a book with complete understanding. I relate in some parts and I learned so much. Atleast now I am convinced that healing truly doesn’t happen over night but one has to endure the process of healing with all diligence with the help of the Holy Spirit. And to fully depend on God as you journey through your healing process. Thank you for sharing your journey with us🥹… you’ve just helped a saved girl.

Writing Journey


Impacting Lives With Christian Literature

CLC Kenya Ministries

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