
Angela Nsimbi

Angela Nsimbi is a two-time award-winning journalist, a Mental Health Recovery Coach, entrepreneur, worshipper and Mental Health Activist She is a mother to 5 awesome children and a wife. She is Cofounder of Natamba Wellness Support under which Heart2Heart Chat Mental Health Program operates. She is Founder of the Keturah Mental Health Awards, the first in Uganda. She runs an online mental health awareness campaign on: Facebook; @mentalrecoverystory/ LinkedIn; mental health nuggets She is CO-Founder of My Story Initiative, a non-profit that empowers people with mental health challenges.

Books by Angela Nsimbi


Through her own mind battles, it led her on a search for more in terms of healing a trouble mind. The Bible is a great resource she draws mental health lessons. She draws gems of wisdom from less talked about women in scripture and relates it to daily life. Incidents like trauma of a loveless marriage for Leah, a case of incest for Tamar, finding yourself in a love triangle like Hagar, depict how, these play out on your mental wellbeing. Every woman will find herself in one of these women! Angela Nsimbi takes the reader on a journey of healing the mind. This women’s devotional, relays unique lessons relevant to the troubles of this world of empowering the reader to be self-aware. This journey gives you permission to be vulnerable, allowing the balm of Gilead heal your mind. Arise and shine by embracing healing and wholeness. Be RESTORED. Be REVIVED. Be REJEVUNATED. Be RESSURECTED.

Connect with Angela Nsimbi

X: @nsimbi_angela Instagram: @MMyjourney @angelansimbi @mystory4260 YouTube: @angelansimbi
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Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
4 months ago

Congratulations Angela Nsimbi on your nomination to ACABA 2024. Your book, “Arise and shine , balm of the mind” is therapeutic, inspirational and encouraging to finding healing to a troubled mind. Thanks for the great initiatives you have started and participated towards making the World a better place to live in. More grace in your writing journey.

[…] Angela Nsimbi […]
[…] Angela Nsimbi […]
Momo Masiko Ameria
Momo Masiko Ameria
7 months ago

Congratulations. your mission to help others find healing is great. God bless you and may you remain steadfast in this journey of helping others find healing

Angela Nsimbi
Angela Nsimbi
5 months ago

Thankyou Momo

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