

Annah Wagithunu Kimani is a seasoned educator and administrator.She holds a degree in Education from Egerton University and masters degree in administration from Kenyatta university.

Annah serves as a Christian educator in churches, a mentor and a consultant in church women groups.

Her mission is to share knowledge and experiences through writing.


Books by Annah Wagithunu Kimani

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

Life has many doors with locked opportunities. Everything we need can be accessed by learning the keys to to these opportunities. Keys are mind sets and habits that usher us into ways of attracting progress and prosperity.

In this book, the author shares five keys that can be mastered by anyone. She uses her own experiences to help the reader understand and embrace the process of developing winning habits and thought patterns. She also demonstrates how one can unlearn redundant habits that cause stagnation.

Do you desire to see lasting, authentic success in your life? Are you ready for a journey towards building a prosperity mind set? Then this is your book.

Connect with Annah Wagithunu Kimani

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

Facebook: Annah Wagithunu Kimani

youtube:Annah Wagithunu Kimani

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Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
14 days ago

Author to connect with
Patricia Kahill
She has written about making social media to work for you and I would wish to know more about it
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[…] Annah Wagithunu Kimani […]
Thuita Mwangi
Thuita Mwangi
21 days ago

Beyond one’s daily career life is a social life, that should be guided by good principles. This book gives the keys that guide one’s growth in society. What a good read it is. Looking forward to more insights by Annah in other books.

Judy Owiti
Judy Owiti
22 days ago

A great resource for those wanting to take their lives to the next level. Highly recommend the book!
Well done Ann.

Sipokazi Somzana
Sipokazi Somzana
23 days ago

In the world we live in, we can never have enough books that speak on topics that relate to empowerment and development. I am extremely happy about this book, and it is indeed such a great and captivating topic. I love how the queen took it as her duty and responsibility to ensure that people are transformed and become the very best versions of themselves. I look forward to many more publications by the author.

Tendai Mutasa
Tendai Mutasa
30 days ago

Great book woman of God. I believe this book will help a lot of people who are trusting God for progress and prosperity. May God continue to use you woman of God. You are a blessing to our generation. Blessings.

James mwangi
James mwangi
1 month ago

The book is motivating and highly inspiring.
A must read guys

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
1 month ago
Reply to  James mwangi

James, it has taken you commitment to read this transformative book..I appreciate.Be blessed.

2 months ago

The book contains the basics of pathway to prosperity especially in social areas. A good work which the author can build on in future

2 months ago

A good piece. Just the wtart

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Isaac

Great Isaac for your comments…
Be blessed

2 months ago

Congratulations Annah Wagithunu Kimani, you’ve inspired many of us, generations have a tangible reference, GOD’S message well articulated. Keep it up.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago

I appreciate you Henelico for committing your time to read the transformative book to obtain priceless nuggets.

Doris Mitti
Doris Mitti
2 months ago

This book is a game changer… So many times we listen to/read information about how to improve others and achieve lasting success, but most of that information falls short of delivering especially to an African in a different world context from that of the author/speaker. Anna’s book is the right context for the East African especially and one can relate to the actions necessary to better oneself. Well done.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Doris Mitti

Wow,Doris this is wonderful..I appreciate and value you…Be blessed

Sarah Wambui Kariuki
Sarah Wambui Kariuki
2 months ago

Annah’s book is such an inspirational book and one is able to connect with it as it talks about real issues

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago

Thanks Sarah for your comments.I give God all the glory for the impact and influence this book has

2 months ago

Annah book provides keys for progress to current generation and generations to come .
I recommend the book .

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  erickmwenda997

I appreciate you Erick for your comments.. it’s great to choose to read the master piece

2 months ago

Annah’s book is mindset shifter .very transforming and renewing of mind. You can’t avoid reading it again and again

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Salome

Wow Salome…I appreciate your comments and reading this impactful book

Carol Mwendwa
Carol Mwendwa
2 months ago

Anna’s book is soo inspiring, I have learnt that giving up is not an option we live to fight another day.
“There is power in spoken words”

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Carol Mwendwa

Great teacher Carol..Am grateful for your comments about this transformative book…
Be blessed

Rev Sospeter Muchiri Njuki
Rev Sospeter Muchiri Njuki
2 months ago

Anna through her book is a great inspiration. I recommend her.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago

Great Rev Sospeter for your wonderful comments… Thanks for finding time to read this transformative book

Dr. Julianne Susanne Sansa Otim
Dr. Julianne Susanne Sansa Otim
2 months ago

As a person thinks, so is s/he goes a Bible scripture. If you want to progress/prosperity in your life, it starts with your thinking!!!! Anna W. Kiwanis has taken the trouble to share insights that help the reader understand and embrace the process of developing supportive thought patterns and winning habits. I highly recommend “Keys to progress and prosperity”

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago

Dr Julianne,,I appreciate and value you…
Thanks for Taking your time to encourage and give hope

Rev. Fr. Peter Githinji
Rev. Fr. Peter Githinji
2 months ago

Ann is a brilliant educator.
She catches her audience with real life experience.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago

Rev Fr.Peter..feel appreciated for taking your time to make comments…

Kinyua Karuiru
Kinyua Karuiru
2 months ago

A good and inspiring read. This book is incisive and provides useful insights that one can apply to progress. I loved those perpectives.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Kinyua Karuiru

Am grateful for your comments..
God bless and enlarge your territory

Lydiah Racheal Muthoni
Lydiah Racheal Muthoni
2 months ago

How wonderful is this! Congratulations Annah. Your book has been a great read, one where I paused and reflected and made necessary adjustments that are bringing forth results. I have also shared the same in my circle of friends and your writing has inspired change and progressive steps towards positive acceleration.

It is a read that everyone from all social status can relate to.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago

Great Lydiah for your comments.
Continue sharing with as many friends as possible to influence and impact lifes

Bernice Mugure Kimani
Bernice Mugure Kimani
4 months ago

Annah through her book Keys of Progress is an inspiration beyond measure especially during these despairing and trying times we are living in.She encourages and points us to effective tools which we can use to ensure we succeed in this life.Thank you for gifting us this knowledge. It indeed offers us a glimmer of hope to keep pushing.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago

Thanks for your comments Bernice and taking your time to read timeless and priceless

Purity Waithaka
Purity Waithaka
4 months ago

I would like to applaud Madam Annah Wagithunu for her encouragement in her book . I have read it and it’s so inspiring to all generations moreso the young generation. Bravo for the good job.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago

Great Purity for your comments.
Thanks for reading the transformative book

Irene Mureithi
Irene Mureithi
6 months ago

Congratulations Annah. We celebrate you and your great book that is changing many lives. As Personal Development Institute [PDI Kenya &Beyond] we are very proud đź‘Ź of you as our Alumna. Your testimonial is tangible – and as you continue to impact many lives through education, may this book and the many more that you will write be a lasting legacy of your contribution in education. Continue to Soar.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Irene Mureithi

Thanks Coach Irene for your support and encouragement.

Agnes kairu
Agnes kairu
6 months ago

Ann wagithunu have really inspired me through her book.The power of the spoken word has enlightened me more

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Agnes kairu

Thanks Agnes for your comments and taking time to read the transformative book

Peter Ndirangu
Peter Ndirangu
6 months ago

A good and inspiring Lady.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Peter Ndirangu

Great Peter for your comments

Agnes Mugo
Agnes Mugo
6 months ago

I love reading Christian books and the authors here have written very good pieces. The sky is not the limit but the stepping stone for them.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Agnes Mugo

Thanks Agnes for your comments and choosing to read timeless and priceless nuggets

6 months ago

“Key to progress and prosperity” is a book that has inspired me.It looks into the spiritual,social & economic aspect of life.

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Nelson

Thanks for your comments and choosing to read the transformative book.

Dr Mary Mwenda
Dr Mary Mwenda
6 months ago

I nominate Annah Kimani for the 2024 award of the African Christian Authors. Her book is an eye opener to those determined to succeed. Bravo Annah!!

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Dr Mary Mwenda

Am grateful Dr.Mary for the comments and also choosing to acquire and read the transformative book

Ruth Oduor
Ruth Oduor
6 months ago

Thanks Anne for your precious timeless and priceless efforts you underwent in order to publish this beautiful book “The keys to progress and prosperity” May the Lord show you a token for good!

Ann. Kimani
Ann. Kimani
2 months ago
Reply to  Ruth Oduor

Great Ruth for the comments.
It’s a transformative and a must read book

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