From Lockdown Inspiration to Global Impact: Annah Kimani’s Journey to Empowering women

My name is Annah Wagithunu Kimani. A seasoned trained educator, administrator, consultant, counselor, entrepreneur, evangelist mentor, motivational speaker, and an active member of The Kingdom Connect (TKC). We are blessed with three children. Christ has chosen and appointed me to bring forth fruits that last.

One of my hobbies is to read inspirational, motivational, and other books that have beneficial information. In 2020, during the lockdown due to COVID-19, I came across two books: “The Power Is Within You” by Louise Hay and “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life” by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The books greatly helped and inspired me. However, as I reflected, I asked myself, what would have happened if these two books were not written? Here I was in the central region of Kenya, enjoying inspiration from a lady and a gentleman who had lived their lives in different times on different continents. How could I not find the courage to also write and inspire the woman next door, within my county, my country, and the world?

When the inspiration to write a book became a constant thought, I remembered that in the year 2006, I met Coach Irene Mureithi, the founder and director of the Personal Development Institute (PDI). I enrolled for a course called TRANSFORMED AND RENEWED MIND (TRM) in May 2022. I started writing the book entitled Keys to Progress and Prosperity in August 2022 and it was launched in October 2023.

The general message in the book is that we all have ‘power within’. I have written out of my life experiences, the progress I have experienced after changing life perceptions (mindset), inner peace, joy, contentment, and clarity of mind. Success is an inner concept and is 5% strategy and 95% mindset. I truly believe that we can all achieve progress and prosperity if we put into practice the precious, timeless, and priceless nuggets I have shared in the book.


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Patrick Maina
Patrick Maina
7 months ago

Congratulations. I like the 5%strategy, and 95% mindset. “As a man thinketh, so is he!”

Muthoni Omukhango
Muthoni Omukhango
7 months ago

Well done

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