Experience the Aroma of Preparation: Why Experience Isn’t Everything

The word “experience” can be a bore to many young graduates. Why cash in on experience when you just graduated? Every employer advert seems to demand it, yet here you are, fresh-faced and full of potential, with none to offer. It’s enough to make you wonder, “Does experience even matter, or is it overrated?” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines experience as “practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity.”

Why this constant emphasis on experience? The world has evolved, but human needs remain constant. People still crave reliability, trustworthiness, skill, and flawless execution, especially when paying for a service. Expectations are high, perhaps higher than ever before.

Qualified or Called?

My pastor once shared a powerful truth: “God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called.” Consider the Biblical heroes:

Was Mary the only virgin in Israel? Why was she chosen to carry the seed of God, the Holy Spirit, the Messiah Jesus Christ?
Why Gideon, the least among the least tribe and clan, to lead Israel to victory?
Esther, a slave and orphan girl, to be Queen?
Moses, a stammering man lacking eloquence?
David, a shepherd boy, transformed into King Saul’s poet and musician, then a hero, and finally King David himself?
Why choose the unqualified and unquantified? No track record, no experience, no validated historical reference. Insignificant, underdogs, inferior. But wait! Let’s unpack these words:

Qualified: Officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job. Expected to get the job done efficiently.
Called: Considering something as belonging to you.
Chosen: Having been selected as the best or most appropriate.
Quantified: To express or measure the quantity of. There surely must have been others 10,000% more qualified by every definition! Yet, God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:24-35).
The world has its measures. It expects everyone to pull their full weight. It tests and tries, measures capabilities, and rewards results. This competitive pressure can be incredibly stressful, no wonder mental health challenges are so prevalent today.

God’s ways are shrouded in mystery. Studying the Bible reveals He purposefully selects His servants. By human standards, none were qualified for the work of the Creator and Master of the Universe. If they submitted applications, none would qualify.

What is God’s Criteria?

He doesn’t look for experience, but for willingness. He will mold and weave you into a masterpiece if you are willing. The Bible tells us He is the potter, and we are mere clay (Isaiah 64:8).

So, what is expected of the clay?

Total Surrender: When you completely surrender, you begin to see who God truly is.
Willingness to Bend: God’s will can be mind-blowing, but a simple “Yes, Lord” is all He asks.
Preparation for the Furnace: Fire refines the clay. Will you endure this process? Only by His grace.
Grounded in the Word: Jesus Christ is your true north. Seek to know Him more than yourself. His Word is solid and will help you weather any storm. Light always prevails, no matter how dark it seems.
Pain as Part of the Process: Those chosen often undergo a painful process to reach their full potential and fulfill God’s will.

Open your heart and let his will be done in you. Sing with me. I surrender all X 2 All to be my blessed saviour, I surrender all.

Till next time.

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