Authors Books Distribution & Visibility

As part of our value addition for the Award Program nominations, we offer ecommerce platform for nominees books. In as much as only 10 people will be listed as winners, we want to ensure every person submitting benefits from belonging in the Award Program. Giving all authors visibility is at the core of the Award Program. Here’s how…

These are the terms and conditions:
1. Your book has to be already published, in print format and submitted for ACABA in the current or previous years.

2. If you have not printed, through CLC Kenya or other printers, you can access Print On Demand (POD) services. Find out more about POD and the cost calculator here Publishing Ministry @CLC Kenya

3. You can set up at ACABA, CLC Kenya, Jumia Kenya, Nuria, African Book Hub, Writers Guild Kenya, The Carmella Bookshop at the agreed percentage off the RRP. If you have not professionally set the price for your book, reach out for our help in this.

4a. By appointing CLC Kenya to be your super host at 40% off the RRP, you get representation in all the above mentioned ecommerce platforms.
b. Why 40% to CLC Kenya? CLC Kenya extends 20-35% to other booksellers/ecommerce platforms and retains 5-20% for administrative fees.
Example: If your book is at RRP Kes 1,000 you would receive Kes 600 from CLC Kenya.

5. You can appoint ACABA through CLC Kenya to sell your rights to international publishers through Evolge and at Frankfurt Rights Fair in the USA.

6. You can set up your book for e-book distribution directly with our partners Books For My Soul or through CLC Kenya super-host. Ebooks are priced at 70% off the RRP as there is no printing cost involved.
Example: If your book is at RRP Kes 1,000 the price for an ebook would be Kes 700. However, you also compare with the cost of other ebooks selling on that platform so that your price remains competitive.

1. Setting up in different ecommerce platforms gives your book visibility
2. Having a super-host helps you to focus on your vocation as we handle logistics for your book project
3. Selling alongside fellow African Christian authors contributes to building a force and movement that advocates for readership of local books as opposed to imported books.

You will receive an author’s sales dashboard on ACABA where you can login and view the progress of your book sales.

The books are on consignment stock ie sale on return so you get paid once the books are sold.

If CLC Kenya is your super-host, we shall reconcile the payments from all the platforms and bookshops, receive the payments on your behalf. You can access the reports and request for withdrawals at your discretion any time in the month.

Yes we continually market your book through the structured marketing strategies in place for ACABA and CLC Kenya. However, the larger burden to market the book remains with you. From our experience, the book does not work if the author does not work and readers buy the author before they buy the book.

If you are struggling with a marketing strategy and would like us to hold you accountable, please reach out and we shall work with you. Your book project’s success is the fulfillment of our mission and mandate.

(i) If you qualify (ie ACABA nominee), please fill the form below and you can deliver 10 copies to ACABA/CLC Kenya. The contract will be effected immediately.

Sign the online contract here ACABA Vendor Contract

(ii) If you do not qualify, submit your book in ACABA first.

Submit Your Book

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Josphat M. Muriuki
Josphat M. Muriuki
8 months ago

I have authorized CLC to sell my books on available platforms.

Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
11 months ago

I authorize CLC to market and sell my books on all available platforms.

1 year ago

I authorise CLC to market and sell my books on all platforms.

John Araali
John Araali
1 year ago

I authorize CLC to market and sell my books on all platforms.

Sophie Kiwelu
Sophie Kiwelu
1 year ago

I Authorise CLC to market and sell my books in all platforms

Abraham kimathi
Abraham kimathi
1 year ago

I authorise clc to market and sell my books in all platforms

Abraham kimathi
Abraham kimathi
1 year ago


Sophie Kiwelu
Sophie Kiwelu
1 year ago

I authorize CLC to market and sell my book at the designated selling points at the recommended percentage.

Sophie Kiwelu
Sophie Kiwelu
1 year ago

I authorize CLC to market and sell my book at the recommended percentage.

Sophie Kiwelu
Sophie Kiwelu
1 year ago

I authorize CLC to market and sell my book on the designated platforms.

Christine Kinyua
Christine Kinyua
1 year ago

I did authorise CLC to do sales on my behalf.

Okafor favour mmesoma

I authorise CLc to sell and market my book in all platform

Abraham kimathi
Abraham kimathi
1 year ago

I officially authorised Clc to sell and market my book

David Nsajja
David Nsajja
1 year ago

Yes, I’m interested, and would like CLC to use the available platforms to market my book.

David Nsajja
David Nsajja
1 year ago

I officially authorise CLC to market and sell my book on the different available platforms

1 year ago

I authorize CLC to sell my books

Sipokazi Somzana
Sipokazi Somzana
1 year ago

I authorise CLC to distribute and market my book.

Maria Kegode
Maria Kegode
1 year ago

I authorise CLC to market and sell my books.

Dennis Makau
Dennis Makau
2 years ago

I authorise CLC to Market and sell my books.

2 years ago

I authorise CLC to market and sell my book.

Jesca Rebocanai
Jesca Rebocanai
2 years ago

This is absolutely incredible! I’m all in.

Tom Osanjo
Tom Osanjo
2 years ago

Kenyan Bible Stories is a book that retells popular Bible stories but set in modern Kenya. It has a tinge of humour in it and is aimed at readers of all ages. I am trusting God to turn it into a series of books with the ultimate aim of covering the Bible in its entirety. My mission is to point the reader to get more hungry and curious to read the Bible.

bernard maingi
bernard maingi
2 years ago

I authorise CLC to market my book in all platforms

Aba Geker
2 years ago

I am more than willing to have you assist me with marketing my book.

Lillian B. Nabwire
2 years ago

I authorise CLC to market and sell my book on your platforms. Please keep me accountable for my own marketing.

Ken Mbuki
1 year ago

I authorise CLC to market and sell my book on your platforms. Please keep me accountable for my own marketing

Dr Jebet Naomy Kemboi Olero

Please go ahead and market and sell my book through CLC

Gideon Nyakiongora
2 years ago

Please go ahead and do all the marketing even at super level because i completely trust in you.

George Odhiambo
George Odhiambo
3 years ago

Please go ahead and market and sell my books

Dr. Sammy Gitaari
3 years ago

I love it. Go ahead and sell my books

3 years ago

Iam interested in marketing the award book and 10 other books i have published though strictly not christian, novel but they still glorify Christ

Gideon Nyakiongora
2 years ago
Reply to  G

Please go ahead and do all the marketing even at super level because i completely trust in you.

Humphrey Muthengi Kanga

I am interested with the book visibility marketing approach .
Sell my book in your shop .

Jennifer Kivandi
3 years ago

I’m interested in the book visibility so I’m all in thanks CLC and ACABA. God bless you all.

Rosalind Wanyeki
3 years ago

I want to add my book to your shop. I have read terms and conditions. I published through Tellwell Publishers. I have print ready copy.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x