Beyond the Notebook: A Collection of Life’s Colors Expressed in Poetry: Janice Lukyamuzi

My name is Janice Lukyamuzi. I am married to Mark Lukyamuzi and together we have 4 children. We live in kyanja, a Kampala surbarb. I am an interior decorator, a tailor, and a gardener of flowers and house plants. I am an artist and creative writer, too. I love Jesus with a passion.

My book is an expressive piece of work, with each poem telling a different life experience, which I believe you and I go through as we journey through life. I love notebooks and I collect all kinds with various shades and different types of paper. I keep them for later use, but mostly as keepsakes or souvenirs. I love pens, pencils, colors, crayons, markers, paints, name it, I collect them as well.
I am an artist. I capture moments with my mind, and I record them with my pens. Pencils crayons, colors, brushes, Chacoal, any medium that helps me communicate. I write mostly about life’s experiences and nature in all its diversity. I rarely write out of imagination.

I started writing as early as I can remember, from love letters, Bible verses, favorite songs, memorable quotes, Schoolwork, name it. All my writing did not make that much sense to me, until one day, a friend of mine invited me to a writer’s poetry evening.
That’s where I met people who knew that writing made a lot of sense and were proud to share it. They called it creative writing. This is when I started making sense of my writing, and I continued to visit these like-minded people in their poetry club. I’ve come to realize that to me, writing is therapy and refreshing to the soul.

Above all, writing is a God-given mandate according to Habakkuk‬ 2:2-3  [2] Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it”.

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