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Beatrice Saina
Beatrice Saina
5 months ago


I really had very high expectations during my book Launch. Someone was telling me if you can sell around 300 books you are good but my expectations were even higher because I was seeing a big congregation before me. I was so much disappointed when the books didn’t sell much around 70 books but I thought probably it was the timing, the launch was approaching end month.

However, God had given me a strategy to share my book in the churches that had shepherd me before.(I had fellowshipped in different churches in different towns before because of employment & related factors. I was a privileged to have 4 of my spiritual fathers, one forwarding and other three endorsing my book. And so I was so excited to share my book in their churches after the launch.

There is this one particular church that after sharing my powerful testimony and the book with a lot of breakthrough in the spiritual realm, in such a big congregation, only one book was sold.

And so I travelled home so discouraged but previously, God had spoken to me through a lady I met at the prayer mountain that God was going to handle all my concerns.

My concerns was that my book was not moving as per my expectation. When I left the prayer mountain, I did not have much money and so I decided to do…”for such as I have I give thee”. I donated 5 books to the prayer mountain and left.

After this one book encounter, God has been so gracious to me that whenever I move, my books move. I call it an extraordinary experience and I give God all the glory.

My books have now moved to 8 countries apart from Kenya my several books have gone to US, some UK, Australia, Germany, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia and today I had one to Brazil.

I am sure with the ACABA program the list will expand for God’s glory. Amen!

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