Christine Kinyua


Christine Kinyua


Christine is a 48 year old pediatric nurse with over 20 years experience and is very passionate about children which explains her many years as a pediatric nurse. She has been a creative writer since childhood, she has also written on various platforms. She prides herself in her career and her children from whom she finds joy .Through her experiences she has pioneered in forming a ministry called Salama where other divorcees/ separated persons meet once a month.

Books by Christine Kinyua

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


The book is a product of life’s experiences developed from life’s painful journey . The author tells her experience with health battles that saw in and out of hospital,she further tells of her broken marriage, what lead to that and how she overcame the bitterness and embraced forgiveness. The book aims to encourage other women going through the same trauma to shun bitterness and give healing a chance .

Connect With Christine Kinyua


Impacting Lives With Christian Literature

CLC Kenya Ministries

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Sangura Salome
Sangura Salome
9 months ago

Thank you for being selfless with your life and sharing it with the world.
He that giveth recieves even more by the virtue of this enlightenment may greater more opportunities arise for your sake.

Rose Maundu
Rose Maundu
1 year ago

What a story! Thank you for opening up and sharing your experiences with us! Bless you

Martina Nzisa Musembi
Martina Nzisa Musembi
1 year ago

Christine writes in an easy to assimilate and identify with style.

Isaac Miriri
1 year ago

Christine Kinyua captures her story in a beautiful way. Whereas the story is one of pain and heartbreak … she presents it in a way that’s both understandable and inspiring. Besides Nurse on the Run book, Christine writes about serious stuff in a humorous way making it easy to interact with her writings.

Caditta marikio
Caditta marikio
1 year ago

Christine is truly one kind of awoman with heart full of lov and spirit of fierce as a warrior.Her life has never been easy but she wears her past hardship like armour. Not everyone get to see the same side of christine as she buits walls around her good person might tell she is cold heated another will say she has a beautiful soul.Believe them both ,she acts accordingly. Whoever is loved by her is the luckiest person but don’t ever take advantage of her kindnesses because once you break her trust,she is ready to walk away.she is free bird,beautiful to watch but impossible to catch

Irangi Mukwana
Irangi Mukwana
1 year ago

Christine better known to me as Ambassador has brought it out so captures it well that one needs to use stones thrown at us to build a wall of protection around us. Neve harbour bitterness.

Kibiru Kiige
Kibiru Kiige
1 year ago

Such an interesting book to read
Keep up the good job Christine

Lydia palele
Lydia palele
1 year ago

What a great blessing to have someone find the confidence to use her own life to bring healing to others. Absolutely amazing!!! Well done

Christine Karanja
Christine Karanja
1 year ago

Well done name sake 🙌

1 year ago

Proud of you girl!….You’re a blessing

Stella Gathenya
Stella Gathenya
1 year ago

Christine is the epitome of inspiration. This beautiful journey of faith, hope, courage and motherhood coupled with her witty sense of humour makes it a worthwhile read. I am proud of you Wangari and I pray that the Lord will continue to take you to greater heights. Can’t wait for your next piece!

Kinuthia George
Kinuthia George
1 year ago

Brilliant mind.
We are proud of you Christine as one of own.
Keep up

1 year ago

Fascinating book,,to being one of the world best writers

Simon Maina gathee
Simon Maina gathee
1 year ago

Waiting for the next book. You are an inspiration to many

Simon gather
Simon gather
1 year ago

What a story. A story one can relate with. Very talented and am hoping to read more books from her.

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