Expectation is the heartbeat of disappointment. Without expectations disappointment never would be alive. Disappointment stings, some would rather say it stinks. It is a common constant to say that it only comes only and only where there is expectation. Â Every growth mindset maverick will tell you that without disappointments there is no growth. Â Â The appointed are chastised by disappointment before they are qualified.
I was very sure I would qualify for a government scholarship for my university entry. In my A level class, I was among the top students; as a matter of fact, I was top of my class. The school had its tradition of reading out the top 10 members of each class but the top 5 would match up to the school assembly podium for recognition. Oh, those moments were refreshing. End term. Just before the holiday break. When it came to the A level arts class, I knew it. Yes, I knew that my name would always come among the top 5; indeed, all through I was top 2 most times.
Failure and the realization of disappointment
The match to the podium was like a match of awesomeness! The entire school would be present and many friends would come and say well done. You did it again. How do you do it? Those moments are a memory to celebrate. After my final exams I did not qualify for the course I wanted on government scholarship; Law. This was very disappointing because I had very high expectations. So, I know what it felt like to be disappointed.
Israel had waited for so long for the messiah. Jesus Christ. When he came, he made his pick, 12 men as his disciples; the representatives of his mission, to carry it forward even after he was long gone. Walked the earth for 3 years with them. Oh my, they had given up all for him. Look at Peter the seasoned fisherman who had left his craft to follow Jesus. Mathew the Tax collector had thrown in the towel and followed Jesus later to be his scribe and writer and all the other disciples.  One-time Peter even told Jesus that he would go to jail for him and die for him if anyone touched him. Luke 22:33. Peter loved Jesus. It was Jesus Christ’s words and works that were assuring to him and all the disciples. The day came and Jesus Christ was seized in the Garden of Gethsemane. Peter’s first instinct was to attack and he did. He cut off the ear of one of the soldiers that had come to arrest Jesus Christ.  John 8:10. Peter was determined. Fast forward Jesus Christ is tried and crucified.
The disappointment at the death of Jesus
Oh no! Imagine what the disciples the inner circle of Jesus Christ felt. Their messiah was now gone. Their World came crumbling down like a tone of rocks falling off a mountain. Their hearts were ripped. Their hope was shattered and their expectations shattered. All was now lost. Despair crawled in.  Peter even went back to fishing, his old trade. When one back-slides they always return to their old ways and lives. There was no more meaning for them and purpose at least that is what the disciples thought. The day that Jesus’ tomb was found empty and the ladies had given account that Jesus had resurrected after they had seen an angel with a message of resurrection, Peter sprinted to the tomb to confirm for himself. (Luke 24:12)
The greatest news to mankind is that Jesus Christ resurrected and defeated death. The truth is disappointments will come but Jesus is always there for us. No matter what. After Jesus Christ’s resurrection, he at one time appeared at the shores of lake Tiberius. That night the disciples were fishing but caught nothing. (John 21:1-20), A disappointment.
There, Jesus calls them out asking if they had caught anything; nothing they replied. Cast your net to the right side of the boat, the resurrected Jesus Christ said. 153 big fish were caught. Jesus at the shores had prepared a fire, some fish and bread. He broke bread and asked Peter piercing questions. Thrice Jesus asked Peter, do you love me? Without love, the appointed cannot overcome disappointments. Love is a neutralizer. Love conquers all. We are called to make our choices, take our chances and cherish the love mission of the gospel. We have a guaranteed assurance that Jesus Christ has our backs covered. He gave us His best gift. The holy spirit who guides his Children through love.
Appointed, and disappointments bared.
Till next time.