Finding My Voice: From Preacher to Author

My name is Charles Mathenge. I am born again, and by the grace of God, I am an author, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and avid teacher of the Word of God. My writing journey is a tale of audacity, reinvention, and breaking the shackles of background limitations.

Born and raised in a pastor’s house, growing in the Word of God was as fundamental as growing in stature. My father drafted a daily duty roster for me and my siblings, where each day, one of us served as the priest on duty. This meant we had to prepare a sermon, share it, and pray for the family. Though this routine was cumbersome, I developed an intrinsic habit of reading and writing notes to have something to share whenever my turn came. By the time I was 14, I could not only preach at home but also at our local church. This deepened my need for more study and writing of sermons.

However, a major setback was just around the corner. After I sat for my final primary exams, I realized that furthering my education was not possible despite my academic excellence. My aspirations to pursue academics were doomed because my father couldn’t afford to pay for high school. Watching my classmates join high school while I stayed home filled me with questions about the authenticity of the Word of God, which my father preached and had taught me to preach. I questioned whether God was too weak to support and supply our needs or if He was too mean to give us what we needed.

In my search for answers, combined with a hunger to learn and advance academically, I turned to the only available study book at home: the Bible. This book became my high school curriculum. I studied it intensively, took notes, and wrote down my thoughts on various chapters. With the free time I had at home, I read it from cover to cover. This laid the foundation for becoming an author, which manifested through my book, “The Ultimate Reward of a Servant.”

The writing of this book was neither planned nor expected. The easiest part was writing it; the most difficult part was believing I could write a book. It started as a compilation of my thoughts, practical experiences, observations, and sermons related to stewardship, thanks to my father’s training in preparing sermons. When I had written over a hundred pages, I realized it was not just a sermon but indeed a book.

My greatest motivation for writing and publishing “The Ultimate Reward of a Servant” was to inspire, challenge, and train the body of Christ on actualizing the principles of faithful and rewarding servanthood, not only in church but in their trades, professions, and families. Whatever we do is not necessarily for earning a living; it is a God-given platform to unlock our greatness through serving. I believe that nobody comes into this world empty. Everyone has something special to offer, which is their God-given tool of service.

I look forward to being an inspiration and encouragement to as many people as I can reach.

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Sarah Manu
Sarah Manu
6 months ago

A great one

Muthoni Omukhango
Muthoni Omukhango
7 months ago

Well done

Charles Mathenge
Charles Mathenge
6 months ago

Thank you so much. All glory to God

Charles Mathenge
Charles Mathenge
3 months ago

Thank you so much

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