My name is Tom Oluoch Oketch. I am a public health professional with bias in research and monitoring and evaluation. Additionally, I am a leadership trainer, a mediator, a counselor, a facilitator, and a mentor for boys.
In 2017, I enrolled in the Man Enough program and while going through the program, I realized that men carry wounds that hinder them to perform their “manly duties” effectively. This realization made me contemplate how to bridge the gap.
Over the years, I have been deeply troubled by the lack of leadership in our families and society. Men are slowly running away from their responsibilities in society. Boys lack mentors as they transition from boyhood to manhood. This gap contributes to the rise in abuse cases in the country.
This fueled my passion for supporting men and I resolved to seize every opportunity to ensure that men take up their roles. When men fail to take up these responsibilities society degenerates and as a result, leads to a lot of abuse cases in our country; fatherless families, children turn against their parents, their siblings, their teachers, their girlfriends, and their boyfriends. We have seen men burn, kill, and maim their wives and children, burning schools. Many men are currently committing suicide. As we know, if men were to stand up to their responsibilities and take firm leadership in society and their families, the world would be the best place to live.
My writing journey began in 2021 after taking a leadership boot camp course at the Mavuno church. During this boot camp, I started blogging about some issues that we as men face in our journey to masculinity and their possible solutions. The blogs were later converted to a book “Being a Real Man”. This book is about how to bring up male children in a positive masculine way
“The Father’s Heart” encourages men to father with the knowledge that they are vitally important to the futures of their children. This book discusses the implications of a fatherless home, the challenges of parenting, and the hierarchy of fathers. There are absent fathers, present yet uninvolved fathers,
authoritative fathers, loving fathers, teaching fathers, and many more.
Any man, through The Father’s Heart, can assess himself, see where he stands, and make choices to become a real Dad and unleash the Father’s Heart and love
I am currently working on a book on how men should relate to their spouses effectively