Gilbert Writes To Inspire Organization Leaders On Values

I am Gilbert Ang’ana, a Global Multi-award winning Organizational Development Specialist focusing on Leadership Coaching, Teaching & Consulting. My work centres on helping leaders energise their organisations with bold, purposeful transformational strategies that unlock their teams’ potential.

I am currently the CEO/Founder of Accent Leadership Group (ALG), a global leadership development firm that equips, empowers and elevates leaders and professionals to understand how to influence beyond positional authority.

My authorship journey started in high school in 1998, when I started writing poems, till 2007, when I graduated from the University with a collection of poems in my big diary. I stopped writing after my Poem book was taken by a friend without my knowledge just before my University Graduation, and I have never seen the diary again to date.

I picked up the writing inspiration again 10 years later, in 2017, when I started writing blogs for my social audience, sharing my thoughts on Christian living, specifically my personal journey.

Today, this resulted in 5 books under my authorship; BREAKOUT, SPEED, Leadership Purpose Handbook, Engaged & Productive (Current book under consideration) and Purposeful at Heart coming out in the next few days.

My first 2 books are about my Journey with God as I was developing in my salvation journey. The next 3 books are Organizational Leadership Books highlighting behaviours and principles underpinned in Christian Values that leaders should embrace to drive thriving teams and succeed in their organisations. You don’t want to not get a copy of “Engaged & Productive” and also the upcoming “Purposeful at Heart”.

I have done a lot of teachings, webinars, and masterminds around these books and many other free resources, which can be found at

So that’s about me, and my focus for the future is to keep inspiring organisational leaders to embrace values and behaviours that will lead to purposeful transformations in their organisations.

For leaders to see everyone with the same scope with which God created them and lead with unconditional love, value and belief.

I look forward to impacting more through my gift of writing leadership books, and I have committed to writing at least one book every year from 2019, which so far is on the right track.

Here is the link to my page for you to share your comments, and feedback about specifically “Engaged and Productive” book

My social media links are:




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Abraham kimathi
Abraham kimathi
1 year ago

Your motivation was God’s ordained and it is really a purpose to live upon. May God use you to touch more lives in the area of leadership

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