Hidden Promises – Choices, Chances, Chances

Promise a child something and you will understand how they never forget by the number of times they remind you. Promise an adult and they will remain silent but never forget. As the old cliché saying goes; A Promise is a debt. Not all promises are made verbally or in writing. Some are implied by association. Friendships thrive on un mentioned promises. We all rely on associations as such we expect that every friend we encounter shall treat us well, they will be dependable and will look out for us and us for them. Even us being friends of God we expect him to deliver on his promises. Indeed, he does but do we hold up on our end of the friendship? God is a promiser. He uses promises to chastise, groom, discipline and qualify his children.

David as a teenager was anointed the next king but not yet appointed. Anointed but not appointed. Many have been anointed but not yet appointed. Pay close attention when anointed so that you pass the exam and qualify. God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called. By all definition when David was anointed he was young, unqualified and immature. That promise of Kingship was known but therein lay the hidden promise of the process. One would have imagined that the day David is anointed the 2nd king of Israel may be the days of him ascending the throne would come quick. Oh. He was in for a long wait of trials, storms and even very many acts of desperation. It is all about the process in the hidden promises of God. David saw the crown but never did God mention the process which came clad in rejection, persecution, despair, insecurities, being misunderstood, hunted like a wild animal, labeled and branded a criminal, a fugitive, mistaken identity and ultimately cornered and desperate yet he was the very definition of righteous.

How God Will Use Your Difficulties To Teach Others
There is a time he was fleeing from Saul’s persecution and had no food to eat. He went to the priest of Nob Ahimelech and asked for the bread meant for the alter. He was that desperate. 1 Samuel 21:1-6. Among others that was an affirmation of what Jesus Christ would later form as a teaching on the Sabbath. The life of David became a script for the Messiah to teach. Mathew 12:1-8. When his disciples picked wheat of the Sabbath and ate. Jesus lectured the Pharisees referencing David’s act of eating the consecrated bread. David affirmed a precedent that was demystified with clarity by Jesus Christ. Wow…Sometimes all we see in our lives is pain and agony yet God is forming a script to teach the World.

Up-close, one will see that the crown was never the ultimate prize for David but rather the process was the exam. A man to whom Jesus Christ the lamb of God would establish a root. As the 1st king from the tribe of Judah who was not just by association but by a covenant. Jesus Christ would be called Son of David, as such David had to pay the ultimate price and he did pay a good one while at it. When I look at David’s life and by the time he earned the title: “A man after God’s own heart” 1 Samuel 13:14, he had gone through valleys and shadows of death, and high mountains – Psalms 23.

You Cannot Ignore The Process
Everyone with a solid promise of greatness in Gods courtyard had a story to tell. Most times we want the glory without the story. It’s just like closing one’s eyes and asking why they cannot see the light.
Many times we see the promise but ignore the process which is the most important part. The crown is only the confirmation that one passed the exam and is worthy to wear the crown. David was a man and had many weaknesses but God refined him through the promise of the Crown to get him to build the pedigree of the root of the Lion of Judah.
God has hidden promises which I call the process.

Till next time.

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