Honoring God’s Covenant in a Changing World: Nombeko Matambeka’s Perspective on Marriage

I’m Nombeko Matambeka who is a born again Christian, a wife to Bishop Matambeka who is also mentoring me as a Pastor under his leadership. We are leading the ministry called Kingdom Fellowship Bible Church in the Eastern Cape,South Africa. I’m a mother of three boys and one beautiful girl, who is working at the department of Justice as an Administration clerk and I’m also a business woman.

My journey of writing When I was writing my first book I never knew that I was writing a book until my diary was full, instead all the time that I was writing I could feel that I’m in a class with the holy spirit. At that time of my life the Lord was teaching me the things that I didn’t know about marriage, correcting me and taking me back to the roots of what is marriage . In our meeting times where I would be writing down everything that is dropped in my spirit I would literally cry while writing, as the spirit was inspiring me to write down not knowing that I’m writing a book. Infect in all the dreams I had I never dreamt of being a writer or an author. It all began in 2019 were I would be having a time of taking my pen and write everything in this same diary, funny enough I had so many diaries but when our meeting time came I would write in the same diary. One day I decided to read these conversations from where I started writing, and as I was reading I could not believe that it is me who wrote all that and by that time I knew that I wrote a book about the covenant of God and I name the book (MARRIAGE AS A COVENANT OF GOD) after this book I wrote my second book which is written in ISIXHOSA.

The book that I have entered the awards with is my third book and is titled MARRIAGE AND THE CHANGING WORLD the book is based on how God honor his covenant because he does not change his covenant, he does not change his word and the is no one who can do that as he is God who is jealous. This book was inspired by everyday experiences of how people perceive marriage, how our society display marriage, how easily people get divorce because everyone wants to move with the flow everyone wants to change because our society allows that. Yet God does not approve any of these except his word. Most people forget that marriage was created and ordained by God, and God ordained man and woman for marriage and no one has to change that. I believe that now it is a time that we stand for what is right so that we may leave and honour God with our marriages, understanding that everything may change except the word of God.

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