Prayer Fashion: A Journey from Crisis to Divine Encounter Through Persistent Prayer

My name is Phindile Pearl Ngcongo from South Africa I am a first time Author of Prayer Fashion. I’m saved and serve as an intercessor and love worshiping. I am a divorcee and have a 13 years old daughter.
My writing journey started in 2021, following being unconscious for 3 days. When people experienced Covid, I unfortunately contracted TB which later spread in my brain causing me to have seizures for more than 8 hours and unconscious for 3days. When I regained consciousness, I had lost memory and was in a blank space with loud audible voice of the Holy Spirit. A journey of prayer and journaling started.

I could never have imagined myself writing a book, but God saw it befitting to use me. My book looks at areas that impact on prayer of a believer, enticing one to persist in prayer and go deeper to see results.
I have journeyed and still journing in prayer with fruits, mostly a call came to be accountable with my prayer life and the more I did the more encounters and depth with God I have experienced. Prayer Fashion was born as a cry to entice the body of Christ to deepen their nets in prayer, to maintain a lifestyle of prayer with fruits.
This has been a great adventure with the Holy Spirit, I have learnt so much and remain a student, far more with my challenges but I count it all joy. I have learnt that our past experiences limit us from opening to God’s will for our lives. My book is somehow a journal format with self-assessment on some topics. I strongly believe that God is bringing us to a season of accounting and working our salvation to bear fruits throughout seasons

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Sne Nxumalo
Sne Nxumalo
4 months ago

Congratulations phindile definitely God had plans through you .

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