The CLC Kenya’s Authors Collaboration Competition will close on 28th February 2021.
You can enter only online via our website.
All entries must relate to the theme for this year’s Competition: THRIVING IN A CRISIS.
Entrants must read the Competition Rules before submitting their entries.
You should attach your story as a text document to your online entry. Only one entry per author.
Please note that we will request authors to confirm that the entries is your original work.
No Fees
There are no fees required for this competition.
CLC Kenya and it’s subsidiaries, Authors Collaboration and African Authors Network are non-profit making organizations.
I began just not thinking about smoking and there was more and more time between cigs, and when I had one it just tasted like crap. I ended up forgetting to take the tablets and so I decided I was going to do it on my own and I feel fantastic. Good luck. levitra malaysia I still have the odd craving when something reminds me of smoking like tv, or friends but they pass very quickly ESP.