Imagine Investing To Write A Book Only For God To Say, “Give It Away Free Of Charge” Read On About Mwebesa’s Authorship Journey

I started out way back in high school where I used to contribute to our weekly school articles in a paper called the ‘Weekly Herald’. Later I was part of a team that edited and issued our school magazine. My writing passion was ignited where I used to write songs and sing them too.

At the University a friend called Glaydah who was part of the FEMRITE ( Female writers) used to nudge me affirming that I have potential to write. But it wasn’t such a big deal to me at the time till she based my persona on one of the characters in her novel. That’s when I committed to write one day.

Year on year from the year 2003/2004 ), I would write down that resolution and roll it over every year. My ‘why’ to write was not yet formed and had not yet crystallized in me. In the year 2019 June (16 years after my resolution to write) I traveled to Cape Town for a conference. In the conference, the facilitators asked all attending to pick only 1 objective as a take away and commit to make it happen and follow through till closure by end year (2019) with no excuses whatsoever. Mine was very obvious. Writing! That one resolution had kept of my list for 15/16 years. I affirmed to self. ” Iam going to author a book”.

Right after that declaration questions started racing down my mind. Write about what? Clarity was clouded. On the subject I did what I love doing. Pray. Into my hotel room that night besides my bed I got on my knees and prayed. Asked God to guide me. The Holy spirit to drive me and show me what to do and how to do it.

When I got back home, my conviction was so strong that I kept searching for ways to write. I approached a Coach. Pepe Minambo and told him I need to write; he asked the following questions;

  1. Why do you want to write?
  2. Are you committed to start, continue and finish?
  3. Do you have the discipline to write?

I answered in the affirmative to the questions.

A journey started. Some sleepless nights. Some dose of writer’s block, some laced experiences of boredom, some thoughts of will ‘I finish’, a lot of back and forth and many days and nights of sacrifice. Alas! 90 days down the road I had a manuscript. My first book was taking shape.

Out of the Crowd.

The Coach was explicit. Write about a subject you are passionate about. One that excites you. A topic that you know the most about. That way, your audience will see the true authentic author in you.

3.Personal Development

These themes spoke my language. They were deeply anchored in my soul. That is what I wanted to say to the world about, and I did. I was always fascinated by how the world no longer wants just a good thing; it wants better than the best. So what is better than the best? Excellence is ain’t it? Oh yes it is but then again it wants better than excellent. So then what is better than excellent ? OUTSTANDING!!!

In any interview, an employer is looking for an outstanding candidate, so is the employee searching for an outstanding job. Every young man is looking for an outstanding wife so is the young woman an outstanding husband. Anyone who wants to acquire a home, wants an outstanding one within their means. Outstanding is the norm. There! Yeah there was my topic.

I started doing my homework, I was going to be a first time author, i wanted to deliver an outstanding masterpiece that resonated with the topic.

Question: Have you ever bought a book and felt cheated? Like the book was a raw deal?
I did not want that for my book. I wanted to write a page turner, a master piece that would stand at the shelves of posterity as a gem!

Oh my!! Writing is no walk in the park. It takes sacrifice, commitment and relentless effort.. I researched 100 people from all walks of life. The best of the best. Philosophers, Leaders, Scientists, Sports Legends, Inventors, Artists, Poets, Musicians, Actors, list is endless. I realized that all of the 100 most profound and outstanding achievers had 7 things in common. Different walks of life and timeliness but it’s almost as if they all sat in one room and agreed on what to do to become who they became. OUTSTANDING. Each secret became a chapter of my first book. # Out of the Crowd.

As I was planning to launch my book in April 2021, Covid 19 lock down beat me to it. It was a blessing in disguise. People were home and had time to read. I sold out all my stock!

One day, during the lock down, i was at home heart broken by all the negative news going around with deaths and hospitalizations. Besides my bed, I prayed to God. Dear God I said, “I am known by no one but use me to give hope to the World”. I heard his voice as clear as day. ” Compile a book of quotes about Love, Hope, Character and Lifestyle “. Aya, a book of quotes? Who buys a book of quotes? I argued. How does one even monetize such a book? I had never seen a book of quotes in my life, does it even sell?

Anyway, I obeyed and did it anyways. After the book was ready I planned to price it. The Lord said give it away free! Did I hear right? He repeated very clearly. Its a free book. Oh oh! I told my wife what I had heard and she told me you must obey the Lord. I did surrender. Little did I know God had a lot in store. ACABA 2021 I entered both books, ‘Out of the Crowd’ and ‘Inspired by Forty’, the book of quotes. To my utter surprise, ‘Inspired by forty won in the Christian Living category. I could not believe it…trust me I always thought ‘Out of the crowd would win.

God works in mysterious ways. I remembered his words. “Compile and author a book of quotes and give it away free”.

The Vine Awards nominated # Out of the Crowd among category book Impact Award same year.

The New Vision Group runs every year runs a list of top 40 under 40. These are social change agents that influence their peers positively in society under 40 years of age. I was nominated and won, same year for both books. As as I was going about my other matters, one day I searched online to check the progress of my books and saw some book reviews by the papers and Oprah Winfrey had quoted the book of quotes. I was surprised.

I started writing my poetry book during Covid 19 lockdown and released it this year 2023. As I speak I have 3 books out. Title is # Thistle of the Nile.

All in all God has been good to me. To him eternally be the Glory. That is my journey. I have summarized it but there is a lot more to tell. All I can say Obey God’s voice, you don’t know where he will take you.

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