Believe In Your Dream

If you have a dream that you want to achieve, this book is for you! Filled with motivation and insights to help dreamers become achievers. Each page is filled with real-life stories to inspire your soul and give you practical guidance to help you turn your dreams into a reality. Written by Henry Muguluma, the author of 5 Things, and published by Leap Publishers in Uganda, E.Africa. Henry is an author, leadership coach, motivational speaker, and Christian leader. He writes in a variety of styles including; poetry, Christian living, young adult and devotionals . If you are looking to be a stronger leader or more purposeful Christian, Henry’s writings are for you!

10 thoughts on “Believe In Your Dream

  1. I will first say that Mr Henry is a good parent teacher to all young hearts. He has influenced many lives towards living a purposeful life, including mine. The book Believe in your Dreams is a very critical but simple therapy to lives of people who have a future to run after. It is a way through thorns that gives one courage to face whatever it takes to go through the journey towards a great future. I can personally say it is a great book for youth to actually believe in themselves, dream great and achieve their dreams as reality through the way and will of God. It’s a highly recommended book to read. Thank you.

  2. This book is one of the kind it’s such an eye opener to the youth and every dreamer.I bless the Lord for the wisdom given to the author I vouch for it that every person should read it

  3. I Highly recommend the book.Believe in your dream has lessons that pushes you to stay focused however much people demorise you.

  4. We all hqve dreams as humans but their as well people who demotivate us most especially when they hear what we dream. But the good news is that uncle Henry’s book Believe in your dream gives a clear view of it all and such people are who we need in the world and our lives.

  5. Uncle Henry’s books are interesting, inspirational and they really make one realise who they are and actually can make it no matter their back ground. The most interesting part for me is in 5 things where his classmates used to bully him in class because of his nose. But he nevertheless gave up helping them.

  6. Such an amazing and inspiring book,
    I highly recommend. For the people who feel low about themselves and doubt their potentials, this will be the best deal

  7. Believe in your dream, a book that I wish I could put into the hands of every young person. It sharpens your understanding on the basic daily practical steps to nurture and groom your dream. It robes you of a false entitlement mentality and empowers to be the best version of yourself and live the greatness God has ordained you to be and live.

  8. What an inspirational book to the youth.beliving in ones dream lead o it’s achievement.i shared the book with the youth I serve in Hope Ndeeba Child and Youth Development centre an from that time they are now chasing their dreams and have developed more self esteem in their dreams. Thank you.God bless you.

  9. Believe in your dream!!!
    My best quote from the book”it is okay if your dream doesn’t make sense to others as long as it makes sense to you ”

    My courage grew more from reading this book and how I wish every dreamer gets to read it!!!!

  10. Believe in your dream. The title says it all. A better way to encourage the young people to believe in their dreams. Whatever you desire for in life, you can achieve it as long as you set your eyes to it…….

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