Coping With Identity Crisis

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Coping with the Identity crisis

What causes an Identity Crisis? An identity crisis is a developmental event that involves a person questioning their sense of self or place in the world. Identity involves beliefs, values, and memories that make up a subjective sense of self.

So, a person in this state will face questions like;
– Who am I
– What am I passionate about
– What are my spiritual beliefs
– What are my values
– What is my role in society or purpose of life?

This book brings out the practical experiences of an identity crisis and how to cope with them, especially during serious crises and stressful moments.

Sometimes, trauma and depression can make one vulnerable. Threatening situations such as: diseases and death, marriage, parenting and divorce, loneliness and addictions, failure and success can increase on the identity crisis.
I want to use my story and how I have navigated the storms in my life to overcome the identity crisis and how I have found peace with myself, family, friends and above all discovering God the almighty creator who guides us to live a purposeful life. I am confident that my book will touch many people and help them find solutions to their endless unanswered questions and above all be able to live a purposeful life.

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