Book Summary
Remember me, Lord, when You show favour to Your people; come near and rescue me.
PSALM 106:4 (NLT)
When Nonhlanhla Gugushe’s five-year-old son Ramaano collapsed after suffering a series of
epileptic seizures while playing outside with other children at a weekend church conference, she
thought she had lost everything as she witnessed an older boy carrying her son’s lifeless body into
the church service. To her, his body already represented that of a corpse. But Nonhlanhla was not
prepared to accept that as her son’s fate and began to place a demand on The God she had come to
know as a miracle worker.
They were at the right place, at the right time and the atmosphere was already set for God to do the impossible. As the entire church joined their faith with Nonhlanhla and the Apostle conducting the service, Ramaano was resurrected back to life.
NOW I KNOW is a beautiful account of how faith in action results in an encounter with A God who
raises the standard. It is a beautiful reminder of how God will never leave us.
In the second part of the book, Nonhlanhla share a few inspirational pieces to encourage you to keep trusting in A Great God with whom NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.