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The Ultimate Reward of a Servant
The ultimate goal for each and everyone of us is to be successful and become great. However, making it to any destination is not determined by the proximity to the destination but knowledge of the route and adherence to the course. The key to true greatness is not in competition and contention. The easiest way to the top is mastering the bottom;as it is with the height of any building which is basically determined by the depth of it’s foundation. This book introduces the foundation of true greatness based on the principle of servant hood.
Being a principle based book, The Ultimate Reward of a Servant goes beyond the confines of church walls to become a manual for each and everyone in service delivery field;both in public, government institutions, corporate and all other organisations. This is a guide to a rewarding term of service in any position and a key to unlock your elevation.
It is by understanding and applying of the principles of servant hood that we will eradicate rampant corruption, raxity, malice and sabotage in our society, and raise a generation of men and women whose service and efficiency will not be determined by ranks,titles, awards or even renumeration; but will be driven by the spirit of genuine servant hood which will not only grow our economies but usher the faithful servants into their greatness.