UNBOWED is a ground breaking book by Lilian
Obetto. In this book Lilian Obetto shares an emotional
story of her life, including her cancer journey. She
decided to put out words to paper when she realized
that majority of humans needed to know that there is
hope when faced with hopelessness. She has shared a
real and raw story about her personal journey while
navigating unexpected situations and challenges in
In this book you will learn;
a) How to carry on when life takes an unexpected
b) How to identify hope when disguised as fear.
c) How to grab opportunities.
d) How to create your wins and embrace them.
e) The value of a support system.
This is a story of resilience against all odds and a
lesson on how to keep hope alive. This book is a must
read for everyone who feels like a prisoner of fate and
is serious about rewriting their story.