You Are God’s Best

You are God’s Best, Gifted and Most Powerful Reading this book will inspire and encourage you to accept yourself just like God chose you as an original. It will help you to go after your God given talents, passion and purpose hence fulfilling your assignment here on earth. We all go through challenges but none is permanent. Just like after every dark night is daylight and after rain it has to dry, no situation is permanent. Get encouraged knowing you are not alone in the battle; God is with you always. It doesn’t matter where you are today you dream a new dream, you can begin to move to the next level daily improving yourself and with the help of God you will make it. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me. Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

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277 thoughts on “You Are God’s Best

    1. A very inspiring book. May God bless you so that you may reach many and bring them to God through this great book

  1. Nice title, would like to read this one too, God bless you for giving it your time and energy.

  2. Congratulations Jennifer Favor. God bless you for this piece of inspiration. Sometimes we need to be reminded that God has chosen us with all our flaws. It’s a good book.

  3. This book not only is a valuable addition to the Christian literature by a female author, it will go a long way in meeting the spiritual needs of humanity in this season replete with a myriad of challenges the world over. Thank you Jennifer

    I’m encouraged and would love to read your book for my growth on the Lords side🙏

  5. Congratulations to Jennifer Favor on the release of this anointed book. It will surely bless God’s people in the kingdom. May God bless her with strength, favor and peace. Selah!

  6. Jennifer, this is incredible work. A must read. Thank you for being a light & salt to the world & impacting the kingdom of god so positively

  7. Congratulations jennifer mutinda ,a UNIQUE BOOK which can inspire and change people’s ATTITUDE to achieve set GOALS in live

  8. Being an author is not a mean achievement but great sacrifice and research. Congratulations Jennifer, keep the good spirit in you enkindled.

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