You Are God’s Best

You are God’s Best, Gifted and Most Powerful Reading this book will inspire and encourage you to accept yourself just like God chose you as an original. It will help you to go after your God given talents, passion and purpose hence fulfilling your assignment here on earth. We all go through challenges but none is permanent. Just like after every dark night is daylight and after rain it has to dry, no situation is permanent. Get encouraged knowing you are not alone in the battle; God is with you always. It doesn’t matter where you are today you dream a new dream, you can begin to move to the next level daily improving yourself and with the help of God you will make it. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me. Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

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277 thoughts on “You Are God’s Best

  1. Congratulations. Anything in God’s name will surely be a success. Am not a Christian but what you stated in your preview nothing is permanent things change with God’s will.All the best

  2. A very good area of writing. People are wounded kindly proceed and may the Lord God Almighty bless the work of your hands and let this book open the minds of people.

  3. A great book. A bold statement of faith and inspiration to God’s sons and daughters. Lifting in times of doubt!

  4. This is so inspiring, Pastor Jennifer.. The message is very timely as so many people and servants of God are feeling challenged, downcast and broken. God bless you and make you soar high in Jesus Name.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS Jennifer for writing a book about who we are in God. The authenticity of God’s place for his children, reminding us that we are affirmed through Christ’s work on the cross and his resurrection. Very insightful.

  6. May the spirit of God always keep you and inspire you to write more, you are touching lives. God bless you and your family in Jesus Christ name, Amen!!

  7. Great work, the world is our for Dominating. Keep on shaping mindsets and transforming lives. Blessings

  8. God bless you pst Jenepher for this inspired and God centered book. Am really blessed with the content.

  9. Wuw! what an affirming statement that gives confidence to approach our heavenly father knowing that we are special and truly best heavenly gifts! God bless the work of your hands Jenifer.

    Thanks,it’s really inspiring,most of us forget our origin and the purpose of god in our lives,keep up. MAY GOD ANOINT YOU TO PUT DOWN MORE WORKS.

  11. Dear Jennifer, may God expand your territory and let this book be a blessing to many people. Even for the coming generation.

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