“Is there none wise among you to resolve the dispute?” Paul asks. This book introduces a good and healthy debate on real life issues involving believers. Conflicts are a true reflection that human beings (including believers), are being authentic in expressing their honest views about their interactions. Unmanaged, they may…

Over-Nutrition In Developing Countries

Just like hunger, the consequences of obesity vary and include death, disability from related chronic medical conditions and psychosocial effects. Obesity – and related co morbidities like cancer, diabetes and others- remain a colossal health, social and economic burden, which has already created a “triple burden” of endemic nutritional deficiencies,…

Smiles at the table

A table full of grins, chuckles, and conversation. Here are more than 50 meals that you can prepare in your kitchen to last you the entire month. These are hand-selected foods that are both delicious and useful for you to enjoy with your loved ones. May you experience smiles at…

Holistic Education

Holistic Education is the story of a young man who started out believing he could make a difference. It tells how he followed his heart, used his head, and put his hands to good use in making his dream of holistic education a reality. A true educator lives the life.…

Why Did I Die?

There is a time to live and a time to DIE… While we might not like to talk about it, death becomes us all. Some live long lives and die very peaceful deaths, while others experience a more traumatic ending. This book tells the stories of real-life people who died…

Gems of Healthy Living

Treat your health as a choice motor vehicle. When all is said and done, in your latter years, be found at a ‘concours d’ elegance’ and not in a junk yard. Jemimah Nzola The Gems of Healthy Living aims to explain health from a lay man’s point of view for…