Being a Real Man

Every man was created with limitless potential. However, some men are not aware of their capacity to be the best that God intends for them. So much has been achieved but far more remains to be explored within the realm of masculine potential. Being a Real Man is an invitation…

Arise and Shine

Welcome to, ARISE AND SHINE, BALM FOR THE MIND Through her own mind battles, it led her on a search for more in terms of healing a trouble mind. The Bible is a great resource she draws mental health lessons. She draws gems of wisdom from less talked about women…

The Fathers’ Heart

Father’ is the noblest title a man can be given. It is more than a biological role. It signifies a patriarch, a leader, an exemplar, a confidant, a teacher, a hero and a friend. Fatherhood is one of the most awesome gifts that God has given to men–it’s both a…

Maximizing Manhood

This book identifies and explores men’s vital matters relating to their ultimate potential in the dynamic world. It is a wake-up call to all men as it helps them to understand their roles. The book tries to mend families following the new family trends and patterns that have been paralleled…

Becoming A Man

Becoming A Man, is masterpiece that addresses the challanges faced by the boychild / men and gives hope to every boy/ man out there by taking them through a journey of self discovery , life stages as well as offering healthier coping mechanisms as they focus on impacting the lives…

The Comeback

In The Comeback, the author affirms the saying that if you see them on the mountaintop, they didn’t just fall there. He has pooled together authentic, real life stories that depict the harsh terrain these people have walked or crawled through, the desperation, loss and pain on the one hand…