Ruth Mueni Believed That God would Change Her Story, As She Narrates In Her Book ‘My Journey of Faith And Hope’

My name is Ruth Mueni Author My journey of faith and Hope, I live to inspire, challenge and encourage generations.

Both my life as well as my writing journey is all about faith in God and hope that things can get better only when we believe. Born and raised in Makueni, my parents separated while I was in class 2 and my mom being a stay home mom, didn’t know where to start to make ends meet.

She decided to go look for a job in Nairobi city and being the firstborn of my family, I automatically fit in to the shoes of a mother to my two siblings, we had to live with our maternal grandmother.

Life was not easy for us being raised alongside my cousins, and much load of household chores were left to us; from fetching water from the river as well as collecting firewood from the forest after school so as to fix Dinner for the day.

After high school, I started my first ever job in a restaurant down town as a dish washer . After a while, i got promoted to a waitress in a different restaurant. All this time I kept faith that one day I will become someone big. It is at this time I met my husband and I got married as a teenager.

Marriage became a refuge for me because I transited to be a stay home mom and at this time my husband agreed to take me to school, where I studied accounts. No sooner had i started my classes than his job came to an end. Life had to continue and I opted to start a business

MY JOURNEY OF FAITH (FROM CLEANING DISHES TO A BANK MANAGER)Have you ever had a dream or an aspiration in your life, but at the back of your mind you think, ‘It cannot happen to me’? or ‘I don’t have what it takes to make it’? Well, you are not alone! The story of faith requires us to only believe that we have what it takes to make it, and trust that God’s promises will come to pass in our lives.

This is the story that Ruth invites us to read in ‘My journey of Faith’ (From cleaning dishes to a bank manager).I recount how my experiences, the good and the bad, built my resilience, defined my character and made me a better woman. My testimony charges us to forgive genuinely and love unconditionally in this journey of life, so as to keep winning and eventually fulfill our divine destiny.

Do you have that little faith that all is working for your good? Are you ready to spice that faith with some actions? For faith without actions is dead. God does not require of us to have good grades or a happy past for us to make it in this life. Just a little faith. Be encouraged and inspired as you read through my journey, and let this story challenge you as you endeavor to get to new horizons of your life and your faith.

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[…] Ruth Mueni Believed That God would Change Her Story, As She Narrates In Her Book ‘My Journey o… […]

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