In August 2018, then working in a media company, one of my programmes used to run from 8pm to 1200 midnight. One night at around 1pm, I was just walking along the streets of the city from the studio cascading towards my domicile. Suddenly, I saw two prostitutes coming towards me, half naked and beckoning for my attention. Then suddenly a voice spoke to me, why can’t you talk to them about Jesus the husband to the Church?? My experience on the street that night was extremely amazing. Many episodes happened in between but at the end , the two prostitutes gave their lives to Jesus and I handed them over to one of the local Churches!!.
When I went home that morning, I did not sleep. Rather, I battled with conviction that I needed to do something to reach out to our sisters and our victim brothers on the street. So I went to one of the publishers in town and requested him to print hundreds of pamphlets and 4 spiritual laws. I would go to the streets at night, to distribute the literature materials.
The Lord then began speaking to me about Door to Door and One on One Evangelism. So First, there was a matter of my own experiences in life. I did not know enough about the reality of why evangelism and mission work is important to bring people to Christ, I did not have any idea of how to conduct one on one evangelism, its importance to write about it with any degree of integrity?
Looking at what God had already begun doing through my personal life experiences on the street, I was convinced to do something more which can reach more people and especially become an encouragement to the Church of Jesus Christ on this matter of mission work and evangelism.
Secondly, what motivated me and why I rushed to write this book was because I knew Christianity hardship is a terrible complex matter. Seldom in life is there any issue of significance that will yield to direct answers. Not only do we understand the Biblical witness to hardship and the rich tradition of devotional masters, we must also interact with the contemporary issues.
Third, I was concerned about the danger of antinomianism [ the law of Faith only – Romans 3v27]. How could I be specific without being rigid? How could I call people from sin without introducing them or giving them the reason to be saved? Romans 10v14 says ” how, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard ? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? That motivated me in this venture.
What experience stood out when I was writing…
God seems to choose our dark time, the problems, difficulties, pain, temptations and suffering we experience to draw us closer to Him and deeper in our personal pilgrimage
Speaking and writing from my personal experiences, the testimony of my words goes to those who are laboring under trials and tribulations of many kinds to help you to recognize the hand of God and then find how He want you to respond. Writing especially especially on Christian literature, one must listen a lot from God to know how God wants you to respond. I begun by distributing pamphlets and 4 spiritual laws on the street and out of this, the desire to write books on what I was doing hit my heart.
Did I have difficulties with my publisher?
No. Infact i salute my publisher because when I spoke to him about my night career of evangelism on the streets and requested for more publications, he was so kind with me. He really supported the venture. I also salute the church agency Nairobi Mission team for supporting the venture. I remember how 2020 was difficult year for me. I lost my job and battled with financial challenges for a long.
Nairobi Mission agency reached out to other publishers who agreed to print the literature for me for free. So I really salute African publishers and especially those who are devoted to Christian literature publishing.
[…] Abraham First Distributed Christian Literature To Prostitutes Along The Streets At Night […]