Seated with Christ: Unlocking Spiritual Authority and Living in Dominion

My name is Prophetess Tendai Mutasa, and I am the author of “Seated with Christ Far Above.” Based in Namibia, I have dedicated my life to ministry, particularly in the area of deliverance. Over time, I observed that many children of God lack a true revelation of the authority and power they possess as born-again believers. This realization motivated me to write this book, which I believe will help many to exercise dominion, be fruitful, and overcome challenges in their Christian walk.

About the Book: “Seated with Christ Far Above”

“Seated with Christ Far Above” delves into the profound truth that believers are called to live a life of dominion, far above every challenge and obstacle. Through scripture and personal insights, the book explores how to embrace our identity in Christ, overcome sin and addiction, and walk in the fullness of God’s authority.

Purpose: The Why Behind the Book

The purpose of “Seated with Christ Far Above” is to empower believers to understand, acquire, and exercise spiritual authority through their union with Christ. It delves into the transformative reality of being seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all demonic powers and forces. The book emphasizes the importance of prayer, faith, holiness, and understanding one’s salvation package as crucial elements in exercising and manifesting spiritual authority in every area of life.

Why You Need to Have the Book

  • Transformative Guide: Unlock the full potential of your spiritual authority in Christ and experience a life-changing journey. This book will guide you through understanding your divine position and how it can transform every aspect of your life.
  • Positional Victory: Operate from a position of victory rather than defeat, enforcing Christ’s triumph over darkness. Learn to see yourself as seated with Christ in heavenly places, giving you the upper hand in all spiritual battles.
  • Biblical Foundations: Gain practical insights and biblical foundations for effectively wielding spiritual authority. Dive deep into Scripture to understand the basis of your authority and how to apply it in everyday life.
  • Holistic Approach: Learn the importance of prayer, faith, and holiness in exercising and maintaining spiritual power. Discover how a balanced spiritual life enhances your ability to wield authority effectively.
  • Personal Empowerment: Overcome personal struggles and demonic opposition with renewed confidence and strength. This book equips you with the knowledge and tools to face challenges head-on and emerge victorious.
  • Deepened Relationship: Foster a deeper relationship with God by understanding and embracing your divine inheritance. Grow closer to God as you comprehend the significance of being seated with Christ and its impact on your spiritual walk.
  • Practical Tools: Equip yourself with essential tools needed to walk boldly in the power and authority of Jesus Christ. From prayer strategies to faith-building exercises, this book provides actionable steps to strengthen your spiritual authority.
  • Empowered Living: Step into a life characterized by boldness, assurance, and spiritual dominion. Live each day with the confidence that comes from knowing your authority in Christ and using it to influence your world positively.
  • Spiritual Dominion: Embrace your divine inheritance and live a life of consistent spiritual empowerment and victory. Learn to consistently exercise your authority over the forces of darkness, leading to a victorious Christian life.

✨ What You’ll Discover:

  • The significance of being seated with Christ in heavenly places.
  • Practical steps to exercise spiritual authority in everyday life.
  • Overcoming fear, unbelief, and ignorance to live victoriously.
  • Real-life testimonies of transformation and empowerment.

Prophetess Tendai Mutasa’s Ministry Journey

My journey in ministry is a testament to a multifaceted calling and unwavering dedication to serving God’s purpose. As the founder of Watchmen Prayer Ministries in Namibia, I have emerged as a beacon of spiritual guidance and empowerment, fulfilling God’s call upon my life in various capacities.

From my early days in ministry to becoming a seasoned prophetess with a global mandate, my story is one of faith, resilience, and divine purpose. I lead a thriving ministry, manage several businesses alongside my husband, and serve as a life coach and mentor to numerous women, guiding them on their own paths of spiritual growth and personal development. My insights into prophetic, healing, and deliverance ministries have touched lives around the world, making me a trusted voice in the realm of spiritual transformation.

Through my online ministry, Miracle Hour, I reach a global audience with messages of hope, restoration, and the transformative power of Jesus Christ. My ministry extends beyond borders, impacting nations and spreading the Gospel with fervor and conviction.

Despite a busy schedule and diverse responsibilities, I find joy and fulfillment in my roles as a wife and mother. My family life reflects the blessings of God, adding depth and authenticity to my ministry journey.

With Honours and Masters degrees in Human Resources Management from NUST, Namibia, I combine academic excellence with spiritual wisdom, bringing a unique perspective to my ministry and leadership roles.

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