Omoregie Blessing Orowhe is the name I go by, and I am super delighted to be nominated and accorded this opportunity to share my books and my story.
A special thank you to our host and her team for pulling this through so well.
Authorship Journey
My foremost memory as a writer was as a young, pretty African girl who loved to sit by the screen and consume Cinderella cartoons and The Sound of Music.
The characters I saw on screen weren’t the brown-skinned girls with kinky hairstyles I saw around me. So, in a bid to represent my Africanness, which was drenched in my own kind of experience, I wrote my first story titled, The Racist Story.
With legs that wouldn’t make it to the Olympics, I remember eagerly running to show it to my father, whom I adore so much.
I wanted to chronicle my adolescent existence, and that coincided with the inner creative stirrings of my soul. Unfortunately, my father did not provide positive comments on my writing at that time. And guess what? My inspiration bank became clogged for a few years.
As I grew older, I wrote poems about the boys I crushed on, about the pain from the accident I had, about loved ones lost, about events I didn’t have an explanation for, about dreams and wishes I longed for, and about the Lord who stole my heart and made it His home.
This is the beginning of my journey, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Five books down, and more in the offing.
Lust & Purity
Lust is not a man’s problem; lust is a human problem, and since women share in this humanity, we are all also tempted to lust. The question is how?
I grew up in a Christian home, and we were ferried to church by my parents every time the doors of the church were opened, but I didn’t know the Lord on a personal level.
As a teenager, I dated the guys that appealed to me and went about kissing and romancing. Soaked with all my lustful thoughts and life patterns at the time, I was afraid of giving my life to Christ. I felt He might demand holiness from me, and man, I didn’t have that for Him.
When I finally gave my life to Christ, the devil came after me with all his vehement torture. A saint during the day and a sinner at night, my thoughts were terrible as I would hold on to my pillows to sleep. This made me feel guilty, and I kept telling God, “You see why this thing wouldn’t work? I cannot be that person you want me to be.”
God began changing my perspective. “Blessing, don’t look at the failures from your sin, look at me. As you behold me as in a mirror, you are going to be changed into the same image.” THIS WAS MY VICTORY STRATEGY, AFTER ALL, HE WHOM THE SON OF GOD HAS SET FREE IS FREE INDEED.
The fact that the Bible says, he that looks at a woman to lust does not mean women are excluded from lusting; we only lust differently.
A quote from the book:
Lust’s attempt at making us blind is deliberate. If you are single, lust would want to hijack and lead your friendships with the men around you, whether they are believers or unbelievers to whom you should minister Christ. If you are engaged with the prospect of marriage, it will make you believe your fiancé primarily exists to satisfy your emotional needs; and as a married woman, even after going “all the way with your spouse,” lust will try to deceive you, claiming there is another man out there who can give you optimum pleasure. It may be a continual reminder of your past sexual experiences, making you unfairly compare your spouse with these. This is Lust. Lust will make you compare yourself with curvier ladies because you believe their curves make them more appealing to men.
Whatever level you are at as a woman, you are mostly plagued and controlled by lust; we only do not know how.
The lust that made David go after Uriah’s wife, and made Amnon go after Tamar, his sister, was the same lust that made Potiphar’s wife go after Joseph.
Women Lust—but how? This is what Lust and Purity highlights, and it is a must-read for all women.
We must know how the enemy is coming at us with lust, seduction, and control to be able to deliver ourselves from his grips.
Writing Lust and Purity and the Challenges I Encountered
At the time I struggled with lust, I did what I would do for any of my struggles: pray, get Christian literature to read, and just study the Word of God.
I didn’t find a book that explained my struggles from a woman’s perspective.
I read Joshua Harris’ book, Sex Is Not the Problem, Lust Is. I read Randy Alcorn’s books on lust, and a host of others, but they were all written from a man’s perspective.
This was when I realized that I needed to put down something for all women.
As I gained victory over lust, trumping it in its guts with my deep reverential love for Abba, I gained victory.
Some women who are trapped in the shackles of seduction, control, manipulation, and lies need to get the hack for victory.
Here I present you, the hack. Do well by God and gain the victory you deserve. VICTORY PURCHASED BY THE CROSS.
About the Book: Obeying God
As I grew in the Lord, away from the struggles of my past, I realized that if I would ever become anything in God, I would have to listen to Him and obey Him.
The Comforter, The Holy Spirit, was given to us for this purpose: to teach us all things, to reveal secrets to us, and to guide us into all truth.
Unfortunately, many of us do not often take God seriously, including yours sincerely.
He tells us things, but we disbelieve His voice, asking, I don’t know if it is God. We doubt the things He says and do nothing about them.
The program and agenda of God are constantly eroded because men and women will do nothing about the things they hear.
The men and women who walked with God through scripture, people whose lives we can take lessons from today, were very attentive to God, and that made the difference.
I wrote this book because I wanted to encourage a generation of men and women who were willing to take God seriously, obey Him judiciously, and love Him endlessly.
Obeying God touches on topics such as: why you should take God seriously, how to know the voice of God, God seeking obedience from us more than He seeks perfection, self-doubt and how to deal with it, man-pleasing versus God-pleasing, learning to obey God quickly because the King’s business demands haste, among others.
This is for every believer, and it will help position you for the miraculous and supernatural life.
You will live like God (your Father) on earth because you have learned to take every one of His words and see them to the finish line.
This was how Abraham became the friend of God and David a man after His heart.
Through Obeying God, God is inviting or wooing you into a place in Him where He is your best friend and partner in all His will on Earth.
Isn’t this so glorious?
Writing This Book and the Challenges I Encountered
Even after writing this book, I still struggle with obeying everything He says to me.
On the day Mary went to Jesus at the wedding at Cana of Galilee and said to Him, they have no wine, the response of Jesus was enough to keep her mum and possibly drive her to despair, but not Mary.
She said to the servant, “Whatever He asks you to do, do it.”
That clause is the entire curriculum of the Christian life and journey: Obey God. Whatever He asks you to do, just do it.
This is how we bring heaven down, and this is how the knowledge of the glory of God will cover the earth and the creation waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
Obeying God is how we enter our purpose and pursuit of God.
Just listening and doing. The book is densely populated with stories of men who obeyed God and men who didn’t, like Saul, and their end.
This is a serious topic and should be broached and normalized for all believers.
If we all miss this, we will deprive heaven from coming to earth. God cannot come physically except through those whose hearts are sold out to Him.
Let’s not stop God by our disobedience.