Worshipping God the African Way: Harmonizing Faith and Culture with Margaret Gichuki

My name is Margaret Gichuki, the second of three siblings and the only daughter. I serve as the National Representative for Re-Forma.global. Accepting Christ at a young age, I couldn’t recall how that quite happened, but my mum’s pastor graciously shared how I found the Lord. Hearing God’s voice guiding me to Romans 5:8, emphasizing His love for sinners, has humbled me. It felt like the hymn “Nearer, My God, to Thee” was written just for me since while I was yet a sinner, even when I gave my life to Christ by age 3, Christ had died for me.

During my master’s program, a professor recognized my writing talent and encouraged me to share my cultural insights. A fellow student warned me about the professor’s strict reputation, leaving me unsure whether to be intimidated or brave. Encouragement from other lecturers ignited my writing journey.

In 2018, I started drafting “Worshipping God the African Way,” but self-doubt delayed my progress as I ventured into teaching and academic writing. The pandemic brought me back to the book, and with divine guidance, I established a solid framework.

Facing migraines and data loss, I discovered CLC, accelerating my project.

Publishing the handbook marked a significant achievement. I aim to bring more of my scattered ideas onto paper.

My book “Worshipping God the African Way: A Handbook for Worshippers and Worship Leaders”, delves into preserving African culture amidst external influences that threaten our music, language, and values. It advocates for open-mindedness, guarding against the negative impacts of modern culture on worship practices. Emphasizing inclusivity in communal worship is crucial, ensuring that all individuals, including the elderly and traditional worshippers, feel valued and included.

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Scholastica Nyaga
Scholastica Nyaga
8 days ago

Awesome job Maggy… always insightful!

Ruth Eunice Burugu
Ruth Eunice Burugu
2 months ago

The book is very important for our learning to get to God’s presence through worshipping God as Africans. Read, learn and practice with an open heart.

Paul Blueyard
Paul Blueyard
2 months ago

Maggie … Thank you for challenging us to accept our culture and truly serve God

Francis wagura
Francis wagura
3 months ago

Good job Maggie

Francis wagura
Francis wagura
3 months ago

Maggie good job

3 months ago

It is such a lovely book, an exposition of how Africans do their worship to God

Susan Gichuki
Susan Gichuki
3 months ago

Lovely work here

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