Summary: This book cover has a distinct visual style. It is engaging, design friendly, sets a tone, expectation and anticipation to read it.
(i) The cover has a distinct visual style, has art direction with attention to details applied. It welcomes the reader to give it a go and discover how to improve oneself.
(ii) The cover is engaging and is inviting the reader to explore new options to improve on their way of living. The design sets the reader to a self discovering journey.
(iii) The design is true to the spirit of the book, giving the reader permission to know that they determine their life’s journey when to stop, wait and go. The imagery is design-friendly and is one with the text; it is well balanced.
(iv) The design has used text hierarchy, with fonts that are current and relevant for the book genre. The text is well placed with a friendly colour scheme.
(v) The design is clear of typographical and grammatical errors and follows the rules of design in a way that makes sense for the genre. The cover has been developed from a professional software.
Conclusion: The cover design is well laid out, simple, yet impactful.