Abraham Kimathi
Abraham Kimathi has an national reputation as an evangelist, missionary and author. He is the founder of Harvest Times Equip, an interracial, intedenominational evangelistic Christian agency which trains and equips local church missionaries before releasing them to the mission field. He has led mission works across Kenya and God is still opening other international doors for missions especially in South Sudan and Rwanda. Having worked in several media companies as a presenter of Christian based programmes and touched so many souls through the same, its now 5 years since the Lord called him. He heard His voice concerning the mission work in Africa. He was guided by Matthew 9:37-38 which drives him to date.The harvest truly is plentiful but the labourers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of Harvest to send out the labourers into His Harvest.

Books by Abraham Kimathi
“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

Go and Tell is a book for the Christian of today and underlines how the Bible speaks to many about spiritual and mission simple formula waiting us in 21c before the comeback of our Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ. It is especially aimed at encouraging Believers to stand firm of the authority of the scripture and the uniqueness of mission and evangelism.
Connect With Abraham Kimathi
Abraham First Distributed Christian Literature To Prostitutes Along The Streets At Night
In August 2018, then working in a media company, one of my programmes used to run from 8pm to 1200 midnight. One night at around 1pm, I was just walking along the streets of the city from the studio cascading towards my domicile. Suddenly, I saw two prostitutes coming towards…
Read MoreImpacting Lives With Christian Literature
CLC Kenya Ministries

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I vote for Abraham
I vote for Abraham. May God c9ntitue using him to impact on the lives of man.
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I vote for Abraham kimathi
He is a great man of God and a impacting author.
I vote for you my brother in christ, go and make disciples for Jesus Christ