Book Cover of the Year: Pretty Smiles that Hide the Biggest Lies by Sonia Baraka, KE

Summary: The illustration and title on the cover tell you exactly what the book will be about.

(i) The book cover of “Pretty Smiles that Hide the Biggest Lies” by Sonia Baraka immediately catches the eye with its vibrant colours and captivating design. It exudes a sense of mystery and intrigue, leaving readers curious about the secrets that lie within its pages.

The cover’s depiction of a mysterious figure creates a sense of mystery and suspense, enticing readers to delve into the story and discover what lies beneath the surface.

The featureless face of the girl tells you that she has a choice: pretend with a pretty smile or change into something darker and more sinister. This adds an intriguing layer to the story, suggesting that there will be hidden depths and unexpected twists awaiting readers. This invites readers to contemplate the protagonist’s internal struggle and sets the stage for a captivating journey of self-discovery and probable transformation.

(ii) The choice of title suggests that this book will explore themes of deception and hidden truths, making it even more enticing for readers who enjoy suspenseful narratives.

(iii) The illustration and the colour of the book clearly describe the title well and make readers want to read it.

The intricate details of the illustrations further enhance the allure of the cover, drawing readers in with a further sense of curiosity and intrigue. The clever use of symbolism, such as the subtle cracks in the smile, hints at a deeper layer of complexity within the story, leaving readers eager to uncover its secrets.

The use of contrasting colours, such as the bright yellow background and the dark silhouette of a person, creates a visual tension that hints at the hidden depths of the story. Additionally, the font choice for the title adds to the overall aesthetic appeal, giving it a modern and stylish feel. Overall, the book cover effectively entices readers to pick it up and discover what lies beneath those pretty smiles.

The combination of the bold font and the contrasting background adds to the overall impact of the cover, creating a visually striking image that is hard to ignore.

(iv) The cover engages the audience. I can certainly tell that this book will fit teenagers to grab their attention with the title, design and the illustrations being well described.

From the cover presentation (visually striking and eye-catching), the book looks like a must-read for teenagers seeking an immersive and thought-provoking experience: More like a thriller movie.

(v) The cover has great size for the title, and even for subtitle is well done.

Its overall aesthetic perfectly captures the mood and tone of the story, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement for young readers.

Conclusion: Fantastic job on this cover and it really makes me want to read this book.

Published by CLC Kenya

CLC Kenya seeks to increase access to books that have a positive impact on communities for Jesus Christ. We accomplish this through:

  • Writing mentorship,
  • Traditional publishing,
  • Facilitation of self-publishing (now called hybrid publishing),
  • Print-on-demand, and,
  • Kids and teens reading programs, writing classes and publishing cohorts.

We believe that books provide our communities with access to God’s wisdom while also stretching our minds beyond any conceivable horizon. Books are also the ultimate form of self-education and a personal empowerment tool.

If you want to get more out of life, there is a book on a shelf or computer somewhere that will be your friend and guide.

  • If you’re an author, you should write boldly and produce a book that will illuminate the path for others.
  • If you are a parent, guardian or teacher, nurture the writing gift of your child from as early as possible.
  • If you are a reader, continue to exercise your mental muscles.
  • If you are a publisher, book agent, or author-enabler, keep at it.

You all play a crucial role in bringing these transformative tools to the world. By supporting and promoting literature, you contribute to the growth and development of our societies and cultures in the continent.

Together, we can ensure that books become a powerful force for knowledge, inspiration, and change.

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