My journey as an author began in 2020, the day I set myself apart to find closure for a beautiful love story that God led me to end. In 2015, I fell in love with one of the most handsome men at my local church. He was an extraordinary man, fully committed to doing his Father’s kingdom business, a man of integrity, and the only man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But everything changed one day when God, through someone I held dear, revealed to me that I needed to wait upon Him before I said yes to this lovely man who had supported me in so many ways, pushed me further in ministry, and made me fall deeply in love with Jesus through the way he lived his life.
Waiting on God felt like walking a million miles to a distant place, so we both decided to give dating a try after all the evidence and confirmations we received from God through different avenues. We disobediently dated for a year until it all felt like trying to lift a rock with a fork. It was good, but it was not fulfilling. It was appointed by men but denied by God. Many things changed, and in 2017, I asked him to call it off so that we both could seek the face of God. As hard as it was, we chose to obey God’s voice, trusting that He had great plans for both of us. We parted ways, and the next thing I heard was that he was getting married to one of my closest friends in 2018. I could not believe it, and I did not do any undercover research because I still trusted that God would reveal all things to me without becoming a secret spy on my ex and my close friend.
I was right because, a few months before their wedding, my friend called me, took me aside, and confessed that they were dating and preparing to get married. Truthfully, I did not know what to do at that moment, but the Holy Spirit led me to pray for this young lady and hug her afterward. I now know with all my heart that it was God Himself teaching me something I did not understand at the time: to let love lead in all seasons, for that is how we change the world. I will admit that I was deeply hurt, confused, and began asking God all sorts of questions, wondering if I was not good enough for him. The couple got married, and to make matters worse, the committee reached out to our events company, asking if we could handle the décor for their wedding. My team leader and I prayed about it, and the deal was passed to someone else. God knew that, although I said I was okay, I was not. I had a lot to process at that moment. I needed to take time off and accept the fact that the man I loved deeply was marrying a friend I cherished dearly.
I was lost for some time. I lost weight, and my nights became long, filled with tears and questions: “God, why? Why did you let me fall in love with him if you knew he was not the one?” But He did not let me down; I chose to obey Him in part. Yes, we parted ways, but I still had hope that we would end up together, and that is where we sometimes get it wrong—blaming God for paths He did not lead us to take in the first place. God was silent for some time, but I was determined to seek Him until I got closure and understood why He said no to a relationship that seemed right in the eyes of men. To cut a long story short, I began writing about our love story in 2020 to inspire someone, but it still lacked an ending. That is when I took time to pray, fast, and seek His face again with a light heart. I had come to the end of myself.
During that season, I committed myself not to leave His presence until He revealed it all to me. The set period was two weeks, and I remember that on the very last day, a friend of ours called me to remind me of how much God loves me. I laughed at that statement because I knew that love is His nature, and I did not expect anything less from a Father who sent His only begotten son to die for us. But little did I know that the love she was talking about was deeper than I thought.
That one phone call changed my life tremendously and deepened my understanding of who God is when she broke the news that the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with was HIV positive, and the young lady he married carried the same status because they were both born with the virus. I broke down and regretted the times I resented them, when my heart grew cold toward them. But glory be to God, who does not condemn us, for “therefore, there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ” (Romans 8:1). Guilt was taken off my shoulders, and love engulfed me. I started praying for the couple immediately, and when the lockdown lifted, I asked my friend if we could meet. She accepted my invitation, and the rest is history now. God turned what the enemy meant for evil into good. Was it easy to wait for an answer for five years? No, but I now look back with gratitude and thank God because it was worth the wait. There is a process before we get to the promise, and that has been one of my greatest reminders lately.
“You Have One Life to Live, Make It Count”
“You Have One Life to Live, Make It Count” was birthed because I couldn’t proceed with my first book, “In the Waiting Season,” where more people were involved, which meant getting everyone on board. Until they are comfortable sharing their personal journeys with the world, we will keep it off our shelf.
Writing this book has been nothing less than the power of God’s grace and redemption. The book title was whispered to me while I was traveling somewhere in 2020, and my first response was, “No, God, I am not writing a book again.” It took me a month to lean in and obey His voice.
But the journey became sweeter and more exciting as I took it one day at a time.
This book enhances the power of intentional living and helps the reader uproot self-sabotaging behaviors that have kept them in the same place. It empowers you to plant new ones that will create a realistic check of what it means to live a meaningful life—one that is fully dedicated to making an impact in the world. It doesn’t matter what you have done in the past or where you are now; rest assured that God can jump-start your life the moment you are willing to walk in obedience.
This book is here to remind someone to make every single day count because we are not certain how much time we have here on earth. We all know that this is not our home; we will one day be called back home. But are you ready for that day when you will stand face-to-face with your Father for accountability? Are you assured of hearing, “Well done, good and faithful servant”? We don’t know the day or the hour, but we know that we are not here to add to the general population. We are on a mission. You and I have a purpose to fulfill here on earth.
About The Author
Mirembe Sharon Maria is a born-again Christian, born and raised in Uganda. She is fully dedicated to ministry at her local church, Watoto Church Kampala, where she has served in several departments as a leader for the last ten years.
She is a certified life coach passionate about transforming lives, especially those of young people and ladies. In 2020, she started a ladies’ fellowship dubbed “One Life 2 Live Ladies’ Fellowship,” a purpose born out of pain. The group meets once a month to do life together, pray together, and sharpen one another with the Word of God.
After God led her on an organic wellness journey, He inspired her to start a brand, Misha Coleccion, which produces organic skincare and hair products using natural ingredients with various healing properties.
By God’s grace, she began paying school fees for a few vulnerable girls at the age of 21, using her personal upkeep. Eight years later, she continues this journey with a small group of girls. She has seen God transform their lives. Of course, challenges have been encountered along the way, but God has been gracious through it all. What started as a one-off act of kindness toward those with the potential to get good grades but lacked the privilege to achieve their dreams through education will soon be registered as an organization/foundation. This foundation will support vulnerable girls in attaining an education, instill Godly values in them, and equip them with skills for a better future.
Ten percent of every book sold goes to this organization to keep a girl in school.
Thank you so much for your time.