My name is Rev Dr Daniel Muriithi M’Mutungi. I am 77 years old and My journey in writing began when I was a university Lecturer in African Christian Theology. I saw the need to produce material that addressed issues of Christianity in Africa on day today encounters. When I retired from university teaching, I saw the need to write on God’s Calling to christian service with emphasis on the ministry of the word and sacraments.
The journey of publishing began after writing the manuscript. I didn’t know who I could approach to do good publishing until a friend told me about CLC Africa who do Christian publishing. CLC did a great job to walk with me through the whole journey. That was slow but rewarding as I was able to tell the world what I really wanted to say very clearly
God’s Calling is about a Christian calling to God’s service. It emphasizes that God calls men and women to His service specifying assignments God wants them to perform. Some assignments are long-term while others are brief term. But whether the term is long or short God’s calling is clear. God’s field is ready with harvest but the labourers are still very few. For the kingdom of God to come on earth as it is in heaven, the number of labourers must increase. This is a call of God to embrace.
A Daring Adventure of a Clergy Couple is the story of my own calling with my late wife Rev Evangeline Kajugu M’Mutungi who teamed up with me to become ordained ministers in the church and the world. It tells of challenges we faced on the journey of service, God’s faithfulness and expanding horizons of ministry beyond what we anticipated when we began. The horizons have never ceased to grow. Evangeline died, I experienced a terrible loss, grieved and yet found energy and courage to love again and to remarry. The journey shared is real, true and authentic to all who embrace faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and dare follow him to serve God. What I have written is a scaring, courageous, but true record of things we face in the marketplace of Christian service. It is an invitation to the church to be reflective on the meaning and implications of Christian service told candidly.
My books can be found at the following outlets
[09:12, 4/4/2023] Daniel Blogger Author CLC:[09:12, 4/4/2023] Daniel Blogger Author CLC:
[…] Daniel Pens A Book On The Reality Of Answering God’s Calling […]