My Goal Is To Worship, Reflect, And Serve God Through Writing-Jocelyn

Since I was a little girl, I knew that I loved to write and tell stories. My compositions were always the best and I always loved my English teachers. Well, the feeling was mutual because they always looked forward to reading my compositions. By class four, my compositions were being read to standard 8 pupils. I was too young to understand anything but I always wondered why others could not write as I did.

I had a way with words, and no matter how the composition was framed, those who did 844 will understand, I would always come up with a perfect story and write it perfectly. As an orphan living with relatives, I was going through a hard time at home but school was my place of safety, and writing was my perfect escape from reality. Knowing my story and writing prowess, my teachers always said that I will write my story one day and encourage others.

Due to lack of guidance and understanding, I did not know that this was one gift God had placed in me for the kingdom. I thought it was just something I was good at but never really thought about writing professionally. I would help write many things for people because writing is an art that I love. When someone may be there wondering how to write up one page of content, I enjoy writing and would not complain if given even 10 pages to write.

While at the university I learned academic writing and would do assignments for international students. As expected, my writing was impeccable and they loved working with me. It was about getting money for survival but I would not compromise on quality. The writer and author in me were crying to come out but I stifled her because I thought that writing was just something that made sense to do and can be used anywhere.

When I started walking with God in 2019, I had to leave academic writing because of the moral issues around it. However, my inner voice was on fire, and wanted out. It could not be contained, so I learned to do content writing and did many articles for clients, and they loved them. So I kept writing and this made more sense because I was allowed to be more to some dimension.
Child sexual abuse was on the rise at this point and I was saddened by it. I went crying to God asking how I could help. He reminded me that I am a writer and could write a book that will help educate children on the matter. He told me to research and that He would help me write it. I was scared because I had never done writing to that dimension. In my fear I still obeyed and within two weeks the book was ready. This book, ‘My Body is all mine’, is my first publication and it has taught me a lot.

The road to publishing this book was filled with so much favor, but I had so much to learn. I made mistakes that are helpful as I write my other books. As I continue to walk with God, He keeps opening my eyes to Jocelyn the author.

I am working in partnership with God so that what I write is not from me but from Him that sent me. I am still working on establishing a writing discipline because right now I just depend on motivation. When the motivation kicks in, I can write for hours on end. I know that is not sustainable thus God is helping me establish the discipline I need as a writer. The journey of writing is beautiful, and at the moment, my goal is to worship, reflect, and serve God through my writing gift.

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[…] My Goal Is To Worship, Reflect, And Serve God Through Writing-Jocelyn […]

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