David Imbaiza Found Himself Separated From His Father, Which Led To The Birth Of His book

David Imbaiza is the Founder & Lead Pastor of Eagles Family Church – Embakasi, Nairobi, Kenya. He is an author, an ordained Pastor, Leadership Development Coach and a Certified Marriage Instructor. He is married to his wonderful wife Lilian and they have been blessed with two wonderful boys Jeremy and Nimrod.

My writing journey started when I was a young boy of about 9 years old. This was after the separation of my parents. My mum left to her home in Uganda and my dad remarried. I tried to reach out to my dad but he never accepted me back. I went through a painful childhood trying to make a meaning out of my life until God brought a well-wisher in the name of a pastor who helped shape my life.

First forward, when the sunshine of hope started shining on my path, post election violence hit in 2007 – 2008 and the only house we were sharing with a christian brother was burnt down to ashes and I had no where to go, despite my dad’s house being a walking distance from where I was.

After the Post Election Violence was over and peace had been restored in our country, I had to look for a job and the only job I got was to be a mortician.

While all that was happening I also got an opportunity to serve for many years under different Pastors and mentors. Many times, it looked great on the surface. Yet deep in my heart, I was longing for an authentic father – someone I could just sit down with and talk to; someone with whom I could be entirely open and honest concerning the many questions that I had and the challenges I was facing.
Because in studying my Bible I came across people like Joshua who had Moses, Elisha who had Elijah, Ruth who had Naomi and Timothy who had Paul but I felt like I had no one.

But today, I am a blessed man since the Lord brought Spiritual fathers and mentors into my life who helped bring out the best in me and I have taken a step of faith to become not only a responsible father to my biological children but also to my many spiritual sons and daughters in the ministry.
I was able to look for my biological father after almost 25 years later and we were able to reconcile and now we are in good terms.

The inspiration to write Bridging The Generational gap came first from my own journey and second several years ago when I was invited to speak at a church conference in Kigali, Rwanda on the topic: “Igniting the flames of the next generation”.

After the conference the Lead Pastor shared with me how he really wanted to retire from active ministration because of age and hand over the baton over the younger generation. He nearly wept as he confided in me that he felt dishonored by the younger leaders he had mentored to take his place. From that experience I felt there must be a way out to Bridge the gap because the younger generation was accusing the older and vise versa.

Bridging the Generational Gap is a timely word to the Body of Christ. It is much more than a road map. It comes like a drink of cold water to the thirsty generation and brilliantly explains what it means to be an authentic spiritual fathers in the body of Christ. Insights are both Biblical and practical. It is also a timely word for cutting – edge leaders in today’s church. There is an urgent need and an argent call today for relationships that provide healthy spiritual nurture and authority. So many people, including pastors, have been fatherless and left disconnected. I believe this book will answer one of the greatest needs in the body of Christ today and will deeply touch your life. Reading it will be like a child who has been searching for a father, finally being lifted in the arms of his Heavenly Father and sitting on His lap. The source and the spirit of the book flow from the very heart of the Father. The message is timely and desperately needed. I highly recommend it.

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