From Outcasts to Oysters: Unearthing the Potential Within Troubled Youth

My name is Joanna Kasemire Kiddu. I am currently the Location Pastor of Worship Harvest Buziga, in Uganda! I lead the ministry with My Husband. We have been married for 5 years and we have two beautiful Children. I am also the Director of Windchimes Kindergarten and Daycare Centre that has been in existence for 18 years, leading a team of about 20 people. I am very passionate about young people, developing them and helping them reach their potential.

“The Treasure in an Oyster” Is the odyssey of one person who responded to the call of God concerning the juveniles in the Naguru Remand Home. It is a story of ordinary people making significant impact in the lives of children the society has discriminated and labeled outcasts. We have been called to be the light of the World.

My journey starts in 2015 with an urge to do something for my community which was also an instruction from the Holy Spirit. It is from this urge that I nursed a flame that eventually brought community transformation in these children’s lives.

A place where not many would want to be seen, with children ages 15 to 17 who are in conflict with the law and have committed capital offenses like murder, defilement and small offenses such as theft.
If you’ve lived in Uganda before you have probably witnessed this high crime rate mostly committed by youth. Some sent into the street by Gangs and shot dead on mission.

Having done my research I later discovered that all they needed was a substitute for crime. I invited some friends to join me and together we set up a skills program which entailed activities such as Tailoring, farming, Business, Hair dressing, rabbit keeping, Poultry rearing and many more.

One of my biggest testimonies is that we had a drop in the number of children committing crime and brought into the home from 200 to 40 in 2017. We didn’t only provide skills for them but also educated and discipled them.

I share a few success stories in the book of children who have since left the home, gone through school, completed and are now married with children.
Lives have truly been impacted because of one simple instruction.

Just Like an Oyster at the sea shore they are judged on the outside for their terrible mistakes but carry great treasure on the inside!!

God can use anyone. He only needs willing vessels!

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[…] From Outcasts to Oysters: Unearthing the Potential Within Troubled Youth […]

Muthoni Omukhango
Muthoni Omukhango
7 months ago

Well done

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