Maria Kegode’s Childhood Reading Culture Triggered Her Writing Journey

My name is Maria Kegode, a Consultant, Lecturer and Author. I am a mother. I am a born-again believer, and a Conference Speaker who has spoken at the IIA International Conference among other conferences. I previously worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers and in the banking sector. I have an MBA in Finance and I have had my research papers published in the IJBM.

My love for books is anchored in my childhood when my parents bought me a wide range of books of different genres to read. My father was a civil servant and my mother was a Pastor. We also had a home library at our farm where I grew up. The schools I was educated in also had libraries with good book collections which I avidly read.

This triggered in me a desire to write. I have written 2 books: 1. Fresh Springs of Poems which is a tapestry of Poems on life’s journey, the Christian faith, work, business and environmental conservation; and the second one on the Leadership Ladder, providing 10 essential actions for results driven leadership.

The books can be purchased via the links below
We can connect on twitter: @FreshSprings4

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