I began my writing journey in 2021, right after campus. As a child I loved reading stories and making up stories to entertain my younger sibling. Initially I had no idea God was preparing me to use my gift In story telling to impact and influence the children about the gospel in a very engaging way.
So fast forward, during Covid when the incessant attacks on the family unit by global leftists and LGBTQ activists were on an acute rise and being on people’s faces by having their content everywhere from schools, to entertainment channels like the Disney films, popular animations, cartoons, children books etc so as promote profanity and corrupt young children into embracing their apparent ‘new normal ‘ which is contrary to the word of God, my heart through the spirit of God burned with a righteous anger and through that time, the holy spirit led me to writing the children series, Adventures of Pendo and Jasiri. The series is aimed at sharing a practical and relatable ways on how families, children and community can live in the word of God and experience Christ for themselves.
I stayed up three for weeks completing the first volume of the series, Pendo’s first day in school. Interestingly, I had no plan on how the book or the events therein would shape out. At the time I just sat in front of the laptop and let the holy spirit guide me into what He wanted the content for the children to be. I am honored God choose me even at such an early age, to be used as His vessel of honor to impact the world and give Christian parents and the world at large, good Godly content for the children to grow in wisdom, obedience and the fear of God.
I do evangelize on the importance of keeping children safe and protecting the future generation. For the Lord said we should not be ignorant of the enemy’s devices. Am open to various speaking opportunities and partnerships with churches , NGOs, Governments etc who are burdened by the need to see the children in this generation preserved, and generations to come. If you’d like to know more about my efforts or would like us to partner in any way feel free to reach out.
The book is available on Nuria store and we also do call deliveries. My social media handles are @shannonmujera across all platforms apart from IG which is @realshannymujera.
Also looking to turn book series into an animation and trusting God in the near future to have a production house dedicated to only Godly children content .