In the Old Testament, God uses the analogy of marriage to explain His relationship with his wife, Israel. When they worship idols, they are called unfaithful wife (read the book of Hosea). Even today, He is busy preparing to receive His wife back — when they repent.
Similarly, in the New Testament, Christ is the engaged husband-to-be of His “bride,” the Church. Soon, there is going to be a wedding, between the Son of God and His bride, the Church. Marriage is a picture, a graphic illustration, of God’s love. The husband-wife relationship is a living parable about God’s love for His Church (see Eph. 5:22–23). This is one of the reasons Satan has fought marriage so much today. It is an attempt to remove true biblical, Christian marriage from existence. In so doing, Satan is trying to undermine Christ! Living your marriage in true holiness and biblical obedience enhances God’s purpose: to demonstrate His relationship with the Church.
To Provide for Sex
Sex is the three-letter word that many are uncomfortable to mention. Where abused, it has brought pain to men and entire societies. Where properly used, homes have become stable, and nations prosperous.
Man was created with his sexual build up to function properly, in a heterosexual union, in an exclusive partnership — marriage. Sex within that context was God’s intention.
"The two shall be one flesh," (Gen. 2:24).
One flesh refers to the sexual union between a man and His wife. God created marriage as a place where sex will take place. There are at least two reasons why married people should have sex:
For Producing Children
It is the God-given method of filling the earth. That gives us total assurance that God intended sex between men and women.
For Pleasure
The thrill and enjoyment of sex for both man and woman are God intended, not just procreation. Within the boundaries of marriage, the Bible says:
"The husband should fulfil his marital duty to his wife, likewise the wife to her husband. Do not deprive each other," (1 Cor. 7:3–5).
Within a marriage relationship, denying one another the right of sex is a violation of the partner’s rights. It is not allowed. Even when the couple have to stop sexual relationships for some period in order to engage in prayer — the only condition that the Bible recognizes is that it has to be for a while and then normal relations be resumed. Those who engage in sex beyond the boundaries of marriage are committing a sin — adultery, fornication, lust, and God will punish them. When violations of God’s order set in, what were intended to be a blessing becomes a trap and a curse (read Proverbs 6:1–7, 27).
But why do people, who know it is wrong to engage in immorality, find themselves doing it? There are many reasons. Among them, fantasy, wrong expectations, exposing one to tempting situations and sometimes growth problems within the marriage team. Reasons notwithstanding, when you break God’s law, obvious consequences follow–guilt, loss of face, loss of things, venereal diseases, etc. If you are “hooked,” or ensnared by lust, “Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler,” (Prov. 6:5). Run away! And if you cannot, seek counsel from a qualified counsellor. Do everything to quit before it is too late.
If your spouse is in it:
Don’t divorce him — it is not the unforgivable sin. I’m not saying that you should not get hurt. Of course, it is terrible. But don’t destroy what would be a beautiful marriage just because you are hurt.
- Pray
Confront the issue
Remove barriers
Try to understand. -
Don’t make him/her a public example. He/she is still your man or woman.
Seek to stick to the God-given purpose. You will enjoy long life and a happy marriage.
Excerpt from ‘Keys to a Great Marriage’
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