Nokukhanya’s Did Not Like Writing, She Was Ordered By God

My name is Nokukhanya Faith Ndlela. I was born in a small township called Esikhawini in the north of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa. I am a full time traveling minister of the Gospel. I spend 98% of my time traveling.I have been full time for more than 15 years .I am a founder of Simangaliso GOD of miracles outreach, which is a soul winning and remnant revival ministry. I am a founder of Balpherism woman’s gathering ministries, which is a healing ministry(mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially) .Our mission is to empower women of all ages, bring hope to woman who have gone through painful ordeals, to restore faith through Jesus, To emphasis the important of self-empowerment e.g Education and self-employment.

Unlike the common route by most authors, I did not liked reading, i never dreamt of being an author until 2001 a year after my salvation. I was once in my prayer closet and amidst tears i asked GOD many questions mostly why me? Did HE hate me that much? was I destined for pain? Why did HE allow me to survive suicide attempts? Why was I still alive. And for the first time GOD said like a bitter aloe turned into medicine to heal many, I will use you. GOD spoke many things that day 70% of which I have seen. It all sounded foreign and impossible. One of the things HE said was ‘you will write books, books that last for decades and travel the world. Millions will be healed. Your cries will be your crown. I started reading from then.

For years I did not know how the vision will be birthed (of being an author) until last year when I traveled to preach in another province where after the service my sister in Christ who has since become a good friend(my publisher) came to me and asked when i was planning to write the book as commanded by the LORD. I was astonished for a while, wondered how she knew, then I remembered she is a vessel of GOD. I knew only GOD had revealed it to her . My answer was “books my friend and only GOD could have revealed this to you” . Few months later this first baby was born. A diary of a called woman (my healing journey). It was not an easy journey but I can’t wait to write more.

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