A Journey with Christ for Children Book 4

This book exposes the snares of the enemy against our children. It uncovers the dangers of demonic cartoons, evil movies, traps of magic, Satan in Halloween, ungodly music and movies, hazardous internet sites, and many other topics. Both parents and children need to be vigilant to ensure that they are not exposed to ways that will lead them to destruction. The little ones will find their way to a joyous, righteous and fruitful life. The children will learn about the love of God and His salvation laced with the Word of God plus astounding stories & testimonies with colorful, fun pictures. This is a must read for children of all ages.


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57 thoughts on “A Journey with Christ for Children Book 4

  1. A great read for all ages. The books break it down for kids so simply. I recommend for children’s school libraries.

  2. A must read to children of all ages. Can’ t wait to get my self a copy of this and the other series from Pastor Lydia and enjoy the read with my children.

  3. Every parent needs a resource such as this one to help their growing children navigate the path of life in a Biblical and practical way. This book is one is a series of collectible reads for children and teenagers. It has been packaged to capture the attention and imagination of the young reader, leaving a lasting memory of the truths therein. Gift it to your child or one you care about!

  4. Congratulations Pastor Lydia. This such a powerful book for everyone with children. We are in pandemic of cartoons for children which have negatively influenced our children. A must read

  5. This book needs to be a best seller! It has really restored my family to being a prayerful, Godly and peaceful place where Christ dwells.

  6. Let the Children come to me… Christ’s words to the next generation…He didn’t just say these words but provided child friendly, colourful, relatable resources to teach them about Himself.

    I got all 7 books for my nephews and niece. A must book for the next generation.

  7. My kids really enjoy the stories in books series of a journey with Christ for Children. We’ve been able to discuss deep spiritual heavenly matters with them thus giving them a firm Christian foundation.

  8. Students in schools are changed through this ministry of the books I have ministered through 5his books in school

  9. The book is such an eye opener and so child friendly. I have bought it for my nieces, nephews and friends children.

  10. Lydia Chola-Waiyaki’s books are truly inspired and intimately crafted in partnership with God (the Holy Spirit). There is much to learn from this woman of God and the things God allows her to share with His children and the world!

  11. The book is very good for helping young children understand Christ and relate with him at their level. The stories are very relatable to any child as it talks to them in their language. what better way to introduce children to begin their journey with Christ.

  12. This book is full of colour, making it easy to read for and with children. The story is very impact full.

  13. These children’s books are so colourful and captivating. Well written and easy for children to read and get a glimpse of life in heaven .

  14. Books that help our children grow and be rooted in Christ. They too get to know Jesus for themselves and experience Him. Such a blessing! God bless you Lydia C. Waiyaki.

  15. This book transformed my daughter’s life. Thankyou lord for using pastor Lydia to bring your word to us.

  16. A wonderful children’s series to read, share with your family, and gift another family. Share the blessings.

  17. A Journey with Christ for Children Book 4 presents the word of God in a simple way that children and teenagers understand and relate with.

  18. Life changing books for both adults and children. If you want to get a glimpse of heaven and the desire to live there,get the books!!!

    1. The book teaches about God’s love and the joy of salvation even at a tender age. Highlights on cartoons that are not good for our children and the dangers of some places and Halloween.

  19. A Journey with Christ has been a great blessing and inspiration to me, my family and friends. A must read for everyone.

  20. The simplicity and visual illustration helps the children connect with the message! It’s a great investment.

  21. I love your books. They’ve really blessed my entire family, our loves will never be the same again

  22. This book is very colorful and the pictures are child friendly. I have completed reading this book to my children and they keep on re-reading it to comment on the pictures and retell the wonderful stories of Mungai and Mnjala.

    This is a must read 📚.

  23. I cannot wait to get my hands on this book and have my eyes opened even before i have children. This is what this generation needs, the truth 🙂

  24. The information packaged in this book is none like other, heavenly inspirational and eye catching desiring to more and more in reading the book. I have read it and encourage many to take time in reading for its life changing and heavenly destiny focused.

  25. I’ve read this book and it was an eye opener. I believe that in these books is a wealth of spiritual information and weaponry that Christian families needs in these perilous times. I look forward to buying all books in this series and any other by Lydia Chola.

    1. The book is an eye opener to spiritual world of who our God is as stated in his holy bible.its a revelation upon revelation that the little once can learn in the simplest way possible according to their level knowledge of understanding .
      May God bless the Author to write more of this stories.

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