The Daily Pursuit is a 365-days devotional intended to provide a framework for your daily quiet time with God. It is meant to guide you on how to spend this time, in scripture, meditation and prayer. For each day, the devotional guide provides a summary of the chapter, a memory verse related to the main theme of the chapter and a prayer related to this chapter. This will help you not only read the Bible daily but to also be able to remember verses and make them part and parcel of your day.
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A great rich treasure for spiritual & practical development in the journey to maturity wellness. May the Lord God enrich the Bush Culture team.
The daily pursuit is very good for everyone in the family. Young people are particularly encouraged to use it to build a culture of reading the word
This is a powerful team and may God increase you as work towards changing young people.
I have received alot of impartation from the book ,its good for both family and young people.
The Daily Pursuit is indeed for everyone to build the habit of reading the word of God daily.
A great resource for the Christian journey
Daily Pursuit helps one to continuously search God and grow deep in the relationship with Him. Such a resource! We give all glory to God.
The book has really transformed my life. It’s really helpful for both young and elderly
Amazing in depth book for sending time with God.
A very helpful book indeed.
This is great, all the glory be to our God.
This great, may our God receive all the glory
Well done Bushculture… Transforming lives!
Great book. Bought several for my family and friends. Keep impacting.
I want the book for my friend who is special to me
This is inspiring. Well done Bush Culture
The Daily Pursuit speaks life when you read it. A good way to keep track of scripture reading and the daily prayers are definitely a PLUS!
Really thank God for the daily PURSUIT. Its CHANGING the lives of people put there. Praying that we have more of such public from bush culTure.
Thank you Jesse.